cod. 1006955

Academic year 2017/18
1° year of course - Second semester
Professor responsible for the course unit
Maria Grazia CARDINALI
integrated course unit
10 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Course unit structured in the following modules:

Learning objectives

Shopper Marketing: the course wants to illustrate the strategic role in store marketing plays in the competitive and marketing strategies of retailers in grocery market. In particular, the course will analyse the new meanings, new values, new roles that Innovation and Communication play in the creation of trusting relationships with the customer and in the maintenance of a stable and long-lasting competitive advantage.
In terms of skills, at the end of the course students will be able to understand the issues related to the management of new format and in store marketing levers; to independently take strategical and operational decisions within shopper marketing and to identify operational solutions with respect to the various problems of store format innovation and in store marketing management.
Category Management: the course aims to show how retailers can manage all the levers of the retail mix (assortment, price and promotion) in order to increase consumers' satisfaction in a competitive scenario. At the ens of the course, students will be able to understand how to cobine different levers in order to develop a category plan.


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Course unit content

Shopper Marketing: the first part of the course aims to highlight the importance of store format innovation in a competitive scenario. The second part, instead, aims to deeply analyse all the in store marketing levers, with particular reference to merchandising, visual communication and store design.
Category Management: the course provides a detailed analysis of the retail mix levers managed by retailers (assortment, price and promotion) and an updated overview of the retail actions taken by the major retailers in order to create value, increase the lever of customers' satisfaction and the profitability.

Full programme

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Shopper Marketing:
M.G. Cardinali, Shopper Marketing. Creare valore nei luoghi di acquisto,
Egea, Milano, 2009
Testo d’esame
M.G. Cardinali, Shopper Marketing. Creare valore nei luoghi di acquisto,
Egea, Milano, 2009
Journal articles:
- M.G. Cardinali, S. Bellini, C. Ziliani “Building customer loyalty in
retailing: not all levers are created equal”, The International Review of
Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, December 2011.
- M.G. Cardinali “Costruire l’immagine di convenienza nel retailing”, Micro
& Macro Marketing, n.1, aprile 2012.
- M.G. Cardinali “I confini tra i canali distributivi nell’era della
convergenza competitiva”, pubblicato negli Atti del 12th International
Marketing Trends Conference, Parigi, 17-19 gennaio 2013.
- M.G. Cardinali, S. Bellini “Interformat competition in the grocery
retailing”, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, vol. 21, Issue 4,
July 2014.
Category Management:
G. Lugli (2009). Marketing distributivo. La creazione di valore nella distribuzione
despecializzata (pp. 261-476).
ECR Italia, Category Management. Il modello operativa per il Sistema Italia, 2013

Teaching methods

In order to develop the skills and the ability to apply the knowledge gained, the course will combine different teaching tools: frontal lectures, exercises, group work, discussion of case studies and business testimonials.

Assessment methods and criteria

Learning will be assessed through a written examination for both parts. The final mark will be given by the mean of the marks obtained in the two exams, which have to be taken together.

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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