cod. 1007149

Academic year 2019/20
3° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Scienze e tecnologie alimentari (AGR/15)
Attività formative affini o integrative
Type of training activity
49 hours
of face-to-face activities
7 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

The course aims to give the student some methodological tools
to think about the ways in which the relationship between mandatory constraints
(legislation) and voluntary (DOP-IGP quality schemes) can influence the technologies
and with them both the characteristics of foods belonging to the same category, among which the consumer must exercise his choices of purchase, both the organization and the size of the company.
As a guideline will be used the case of Parmigiano Reggiano, Grana Padano and so-called "similar".
At the end of the course the student should be able to
1. to acquire methodological knowledge on how to evaluate the
reported characteristics of certain foods produced under the Quality Scheme
(protection of the designation - PDO, PGI, TSG) in comparison with similar
obtained outside the rules of the Quality Schemes and therefore free to
innovate by following or anticipating market trends, with particular emphasis on
attention to the aspects inherent to its formation in a degree course
of economics. (Knowledge and ability to understand)
2. to relate the different reasons behind company choices towards
the production of foods protected by Quality Schemes and/or not protected by
collective denomination, also taking into account the impact that
this choice determines the characteristics of the process (costs of
investment and management) and of the food product. (Ability to apply
knowledge and understanding)
3. evaluate the impact of the different drivers on the production choices in function of
the different obligations and fulfilments that an operator in the sector
food is required to respect. (Autonomy of judgment)
4.communicate the relationship between the process and the food product according to the
different constraints to which it can be subjected using a lexicon that results in a
appropriate to the issues dealt with and to the addressee of the communication (Ability to
5. to link the different topics dealt with among themselves and with the other disciplines
also extending what was learned during the course to other foods, and
Beverages (Ability to learn)


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Course unit content

The food and beverage market in Italy: the main categories
The market subject to collective rules given by the name subject to
European rules and the "free" market
Foods with different names belonging to the same category: the case of
long-ripened cooked and hard cheeses.
Parmigiano Reggiano, Grana Padano and "similar" cheeses: comparison
of process and product characteristics as determined by the respect of
compulsory and/or voluntary constraints.

Full programme

the market for food and food produced under quality schemes
PDO and similar cheeses - history of the denominations grana and parmigiano
general information on the processing of milk into cheese
cost of milk and organisation of milk production under different conditions
rules to ensure food safety
milk prices and collection systems
the specific rules for the processing of milk into Grana Padano and Parmigiano Reggiano cheese
the rules for marking PDO cheeses
the characteristics of grated cheeses
the requirements of Grana and Parmigiano established by the standards
methods for identifying Grana, Parmigiano and similar products
communication of similar cheeses
comparison between PDO constraints and effects on company organisation and production process management
production plans to regulate the supply of PDO cheeses


slides provided by the teacher
PDO regulations of Parmigiano Reggiano and Grana Padano cheeses

Teaching methods


Assessment methods and criteria

The learning test will be carried out in written form with a test consisting of 25 multiple-choice questions and 1 open-ended questions.
In order to evaluate the answers to open-ended questions, the correct answers to closed-ended questions must be at least 15/25.
Each correct answer to the 25 multiple-choice questions is worth 1.07 points. The sum of the scores will be rounded up to the next unit for values equal to or greater than 0,5 and down to the next unit for values less than 0,5.
Incorrect answers will not result in negative scores.
The answer to the open question may have a score from 0 to 7 points per answer depending on the completeness and correctness of the content of the answer and the clarity of exposure.
Praise will be given to those who exceed the total score of 30.
The time available for the test is 60 minutes.

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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Toll-free number

800 904 084

Quality assurance office

Education manager:
Mrs Barbara Violi
T. + 39 0521 032296
E. Office
E. Manager

President of the degree course

prof. Marco Ferretti

Faculty advisor

prof. Donata Tania Vergura

Career guidance delegate

prof. Chiara Panari

Tutor professors

prof. Silvia Bellini

Erasmus delegates

prof. Maria Cecilia Mancini
prof. Donata Tania Vergura

Quality assurance manager

prof. Giulio Tagliavini

