Learning objectives
The course aims at achieving the following goals:
a. Knowledge and understanding skills. The course aims to provide the main interpretive and managerial keys for planning agricultural and agro-food corporate policy
b. Ability to apply knowledge and understanding. Students understand the characteristics of agricultural processes, organizational arrangements taking into account the constraints and policies to come to plan production organization and evaluate the economic effects of innovations.
c. Judgment autonomy. The main issues that students will be able to deal with will be the management of agricultural and agro-food production processes by providing economic and management judgments.
d. Communicative Skills. Development of communication and communication skills in stakeholder relations
e. Ability to learn. The study method provided includes lecture lessons, group work, individual analysis, discussion of topics addressed in class
- Mathematical methods for economics
- Business Economics
- Micro Economic Aspects of Public policy
Course unit content
The contents of the Course concern the topics of the agricultural economy analyzed in a modern key that links the agri-food production to the bio-economy. To this end, theoretical contents are proposed linked to the bio-economy, the economy of production in agriculture, technical progress and more operative contents aimed at learning the structural and productive characteristics of the farms as well as the farm management techniques through mathematical models.
Full programme
The topics covered in the course concern the following aspects:
- Principles of bio-economy
- Economics of production processes in agriculture
- Production functions in agriculture
- The production plan in agriculture
- Risk and uncertainty
- technological progress
- the characters of the farm activity
- Linear programming (theory and practice)
Readings prepared by the teacher using articles and chapters in Italian and English
Quirino Paris (2016) An economic interpretation of linear programming, Palgrave Mc millian
Teaching methods
- Lectures;
- Computer exercises;
- Working group;
- Study visits
Assessment methods and criteria
- a) Working group. Students will have to face a managerial problem by describing their results using poster (up to 3 point).
- b) Written test on quantitative aspects. Exceeding the test allows access to the oral exam
- c) Oral exam.
Other information
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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development
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