cod. 1006760

Academic year 2017/18
1° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Psicometria (M-PSI/03)
Psicologia generale e fisiologica
Type of training activity
56 hours
of face-to-face activities
8 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

Students will acquire the theoretical instruments and the applications to understand and to autonomously develop the statical techniques, referring to General and Generalized Linear Models, most often used in psychobiology and cognitive neurosciences. They also will learn
the APA guidelines for the writing of scientific texts (disertations, reports, articles, et cetera).


Students must had succefully passed Tecniche di Analisi di Dati I, before to take the exam of Tecniche di Analisi di Dati II.

Course unit content

Statistical inference: NHST versus model fitting. General Linear Model: features and assumptions. Models of relations among quantitative variables: zero and first order correlations, simple and multiple linear regressions, mixed models. Models of relations among cathegorical and continuous variables: ANOVAs. Models of relations among cathegorical variables (Generalized Linear Model): Poisson and logistic regressions, non parametric tests.

Full programme

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Micciolo, R., Espa, G., Canal, L. (2013). Ricerca con R – metodi di inferenza statistica. Apogeo edizioni (capp. 1, 2, 5).
Gallucci, M., Leone, L. , Berlingeri, M. (2017). Modelli statistici per le scienze sociali ( 2 Edizione). Pearson. (pp. 19-246; 281-288).
Task Force on Statistical Inference – American Psychological Association (1999). Follow up report: Statistical methods in psychology journals. (pp. 1-11).
Integrative educational material (lecture notes, PPT presentations) is available at:

Teaching methods

Frontal lessons and group exercises (statistical package R)

Assessment methods and criteria

Attending as well as not attending students may choose to take three ongoing written exams, concerning statistical theory arguments and a data analysis using the package R Program. Otherwise, or if their ongoing global evaluation did not get a passing grade, students will take an analogous written test, covering the overall exam program. An additional oral examination is discretional.

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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