cod. 1005499

Academic year 2017/18
2° year of course - First semester
Professor responsible for the course unit
Dolores ROLLO
integrated course unit
12 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

1. Knowledge and understanding. Students should get a good understanding as well as the main features of the mirror system , the functional properties of mirror mechanisms in monkeys and humans and their relevance to a new model of intersubjectivity . Students must also achieve a good understanding of the theoretical and methodological bases of the psychology of social and emotional development in early childhood.
2 . Applying knowledge and understanding. Students should be able to describe the possible applications of the mirror system to new studies , particularly in the field of rehabilitation and to relate the different theories with recent empirical findings and to identify the possible clinical implications .
3 . Making judgments . Students will develop critical thinking skills and independent judgment in dealing with descriptions of experimental studies on the issues in question .
4 . Communicaonve skills . Students will acquire the ability to communicate in a succinct but complete what they have learned .
5 . Learning skills. Students should be able to discriminate between the techniques , such as use for a specific experimental study or a trial for rehabilitation , and to learn the latest psychological and neuropsychological models of intersubjectivity


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Course unit content

The course will enable students to gain up to date knowledge and critical
- The basic aspects of the mirror system, with particular reference to aspects that relate to the understanding and imitation of action. Also discussed are the implications of the mirror system for motor rehabilitation.
- The main models of inter-subjectivity and the relevance of the mechanism of mirror neurons to build a new neuroscientific model of the basic forms of intersubjectivity.
- In some core areas of studies on the social and emotional development: from a wide range of research, both of which neuropsychological evolutionary nature, we will provide the student with knowledge and understanding early social intersubjectivity during the first year of life.

Full programme

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Zigmond M.J., Bloom F.E., Landis S.C., Roberts J.L., Squire L.R. Fondamenti di Neuroscienze: “Sistemi motori” (2001). Ed. Edises

Rizzolatti, G., Sinigaglia (2006). So quel che fai. Il cervello che agisce e i neuroni specchio. Milano: Raffaello Cortina (pp.183).

Slides of the course available online.
Gallese, V. (2009) Simulazione Incarnata, intersoggettività e linguaggio. In Moccia, G., Solano L. (a cura di) Psicoanalisi e neuroscienze. Risonanze interdisciplinari. Milano: Franco Angeli, pp. 174-206.

Gallese, V. (2009) Neuroscienze e Fenomenologia. In Treccani Terzo Millennio, Vol. I, p. 171-181.

Gallese, V. (2010) Embodied Simulation and its Role in Intersubjectivity. In: T. Fuchs, H.C. Sattel, P. Henningsen (Eds.), The Embodied Self. Dimensions, Coherence and Disorders. Stuttgart: Schattauer, pp. 78-92.

Gallese, V. (2010) Corpo e azione nell’esperienza estetica. Una prospettiva neuroscientifica. Postfazione a: U. Morelli – Mente e Bellezza. Mente relazionale, arte, creatività e innovazione. Umberto Allemandi & c. editore, Torino, pp. 245-262.

Gallese V., Sinigaglia, C. (2011) What is so special with Embodied Simulation. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 15(11): 512-519. I.F. 9.68.

Lavelli, M. (2007). Intersoggettività. Origini e primi sviluppi. Milano: Raffaello Cortina. (pp.207).
Grazzani Gavazzi I. (2009). Psicologia dello sviluppo emotivo. Bologna: il Mulino (pp. 179)

Teaching methods

Frontal classes and audio-visual lessons

Assessment methods and criteria

Written tests and oral examination

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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