cod. 14470

Academic year 2017/18
2° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Statistica sociale (SECS-S/05)
Statistica ed epidemiologia
Type of training activity
8 hours
of face-to-face activities
1 credits
hub: -
course unit
in - - -


Learning objectives

Training and development objectives:
 The goal of the course is to provide the theoretical concepts and tools for analyzing statistical and the definition of indicators for the assessment of the social phenomena and health services.
 In particular, with an interactive teaching based on examples and exercises, it will discuss about the methods to define indicators to analyze in the local context and for evaluating the services and projects and organizational performance


The examination of "Methods of Nursing and Obstetrician Research 2" can only be supported after passing the exams of "Statistics and Methodology of Nursing and Obstetrics Research" and "Epidemiological Methods of Study, Programming and Evaluation of Health Services".

Course unit content

The course aims to provide students with knowledge of theoretical concepts and tools for statistical analysis and the definition of indicators aimed at understanding and evaluating phenomena and social and health services. Thanks to a didactic based on exemplification, the student will develop the ability to apply the concepts learned, using methods for building indicators for citizen demand analysis at local level and for evaluating services and projects. At the end of the course, therefore, the student will be able to use integrated systems of indicators for the assessment of the social and health context.

Full programme

- The first part will cover topics related to:
• Link organizational goals, measurement, evaluation performance
• The measurement of health and social phenomena
• Definition and methodological principles related to social indicators (validity and reliability)
• Indicators and Measurement
• Type of indicators and context delivery
• Brief overview of multivariate analysis techniques and Association: factorial, clusters, MDS, time series.
• Multidimensional evaluation and analysis of organizational and individual performance (BSC)
- In the second part will detail the use of the indicators with precise examples with respect to the drafting of reports or to the definition of programs in relation to the various areas of activity:
• Hospital Care
• The case studies and analysis of production
• Use of Barber and Gandy nomograms
• Territorial Support
• Consumer Indicators
• Evaluation of the supply density
• Indicators related to waiting times
• Social Care Area
• Indicators for the evaluation of disability and the care burden
• Rating Scales for the assessment of attitudes and behaviors
• Area of ​​organizational performance
• Indicators for process evaluation and outcome
• Multidimensional Rating


Reference books for the oral examination (path 1)
 For everyone:
> Slide "Indicatori socio-sanitari"
> Hypothesis 1 - Indicators
> A text to be chosen among the following:
Epidemiologia e Prevenzione, 19-20, 1983, oppure
› Bezzi C, Cannavò L, Palumbo M., Costruire e usare indicatori nella ricerca sociale e nella valutazione, FrancoAngeli, Milano, 2010
 Hypothesis 2 - Analysis of health services
> A text to be chosen among the following
› Franci A., Bruscaglia G., La statistica e la gestione dei servizi socio-sanitari, Maggioli, Rimini, 1987, oppure
› Franci A., ed altri, Strumenti operativi per la gestione delle USL, Edizioni Montefeltro, Urbino, 2001
 Hypothesis 3 - Multivariate Statistical Analysis
> A text to be chosen among the following:
› Fabbris L., Statistica multivariata, McGraw-Hill, Milano, 1997 , oppure
› Delvecchio F., Statistica per la ricerca sociale, Cacucci, Bari, 2000, oppure
› Lantieri, Risso, Ravera, Statistica medica per le professioni sanitarie, McGraw Hill, 2004
 Hypothesis 4 - Health Statistical Analysis
› Colton T., Statistica in medicina, Piccin, Padova, 1991
 Hypothesis 5 - Health Statistical Analysis
› Cifalinò A., Misurazione delle performance aziendali e valutazione della formazione,
Angeli, Milano, 2012,
› Baraldi S., Il Balanced scorecard nelle Aziende sanitarie, McGraw-Hill, Milano, 2005,
Capp. 5,6,7,8

Teaching methods

Frontal and interactive lessons. Exercises. Assignments

Assessment methods and criteria

Mode: from 20 and 5 days before the oral examination, you must respond to the TEST ON-LINE through the access to the webpage course on the Elly platform. The test is supplementary to the oral examination that will take place on the dates defined by the academic calendar

Other information

Students must attend at least 50% of the lesson hours.

2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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