cod. 1006258

Academic year 2015/16
2° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Sociologia dei processi culturali e comunicativi (SPS/08)
A scelta dello studente
Type of training activity
Student's choice
36 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit
in - - -

Learning objectives

The course will explore how environmental emergencies and risks enter the public debate, through information, mass media, the cultural industry and the intervention of political and social actors. Aspects such as resource depletion, loss of biodiversity, pollution, climate change, environmental conflicts and climate refugees help to define highly problematic scenarios of social transformation that require a rethinking of the political community and of the forms and institutions of democracy. Topics such as awareness of the limits, inter-generational responsibility, the contribution of scientific and social knowledge, transparency in information and communication, awareness of the risks and possible consequences of public choices, the rethinking of the decision-making process are the crucial pivot to define the direction and prospects of contemporary democracy.


The course does not require special prerequisites.

Course unit content

Course Title:

Risk communication. The public discussion and political responsibility faced with the environmental emergency

Course program:

The course starts with a general introduction to political communication and environmental communication. Afterwards we will address some of the major emerging ecological problems. We will analyze the languages and the representations through which we speak about environmental risks and the possible ecological and social scenarios, as well as the different resulting political perspectives. We will discuss the main theories and proposals of economic and social change: sustainable development, degrowth, transition, survivalism, subsistence, regeneration, buen vivir, etc.. In conclusion, we will discuss the consequences of ecological crisis on participation and democracy institutions.

Full programme

Course Title:

Risk communication. The public discussion and political responsibility faced with the environmental emergency

Extended program:

The course starts with a general introduction to political communication and environmental communication. Afterwards we will address some of the major emerging ecological problems.
The course will explore how environmental emergencies and risks enter the public debate, through information, mass media, the cultural industry and the intervention of political and social actors. Aspects such as resource depletion, loss of biodiversity, pollution, climate change, environmental conflicts and climate refugees help to define highly problematic scenarios of social transformation that require a rethinking of the political community and of the forms and institutions of democracy.
We will analyze the languages and the representations through which we speak about environmental risks and possible ecological and social scenarios as well as the different resulting political perspectives. We will discuss the main theories and proposals of economic and social change: sustainable development, degrowth, transition, survivalism, subsistence, regeneration, buen vivir, etc.. In conclusion, we will discuss the consequences of ecological crisis on participation and democracy institutions. Topics such as awareness of the limits, inter-generational responsibility, the contribution of scientific and social knowledge, transparency in information and communication, awareness of the risks and possible consequences of public choices, the rethinking of the decision-making process are the crucial pivot to define the direction and prospects of contemporary democracy.


Reading during the course:

-Giovanni Ragone (a cura di), Lo spettacolo della fine. Le catastrofi ambientali nell’immaginario e nei media, Guerini e Associati, Milano, 2012.

-Marco Deriu (a cura di), Sguardi stranieri sulla “nostra” città, Battei, Parma, 2015

At the end of the program a course handouts and a thematic bibliography will be supplied. Students will choose two texts to conduct a personal investigation for the final examination.

Teaching methods

Lectures and interactive lessons combined with discussions. Vision, comment and discussion of films and documentaries. The course will include seminars with scholars and experts in the field of environmental, social and political communication, journalism and environmental sciences.

Assessment methods and criteria

Individual student's paths to explore specific issues, with the production of written paper and final oral examination.

Other information

A thematic bibliography, syllabus and course materials can be downloaded at the end of the course, from the site of journalism in the page on the teacher course: