Course presentation

Why choose a second-cycle degree in International and European Relations at Parma?
For the multidisciplinary approach of the course, with historical, political, legal, economic and sociological subjects, which will enable you to understand, interpret and manage current problems in their complexity, considered from an international perspective.
For the focus on the quality of teaching, which is highly appreciated by the students and tends increasingly towards a workshop-based approach
For the direct relationship with the teaching staff, supported by an optimal ratio of professors/instructors to students.
During your studies, you can count on an education manager, an Erasmus+ project contact person, a contact person for internships, professor/instructor tutors and a career guidance delegate to help you choose your future profession.
For the vitality and resourcefulness of the students, who - based on the stimuli of the lectures - organise initiatives on topical issues, independently and in cooperation with the professors/instructors.

Video presentation

The Degree Course

The Second-Cycle Degree Course in International and European Relations aims to train graduates interested in entering international careers both in diplomacy and in international and European, governmental and non-governmental organisations.
Graduates in International and European Relations will also be able to acquire knowledge generally required by public administration and other work contexts. The proposed training course extends and reinforces the knowledge and comprehension skills already acquired during the first cycle of studies and enables them to be elaborated and applied in an original form. At the end of their training, graduates should be able to apply this knowledge and understand problems related to their field of study even in new and unfamiliar areas, as well as in interdisciplinary contexts.
The degree course lasts two years. The first year consists of six compulsory course units, an English language proficiency course and a computer science proficiency course. The second year comprises five compulsory course units and a final examination. Free-choice activities are also provided for, worth a total of 12 ECTS credits, 6 for each year of the course.
The multidisciplinary nature of the course is confirmed by the presence of compulsory course units in the fields of law (4 course units), political science and history (2), economics and history of economics (2), linguistics (2 course units, one English and one French) and sociology (1). The course units are characterised by a pronounced internationalist perspective in the discussion of the relative themes.
In order to strengthen language learning opportunities and to enable students to familiarise themselves with the English language for international relations, some compulsory course units are taught in English.

Prizes and awards for students in the second-cycle degree in International and European Relations

Lorena Frignani: un premio come laureata “d’eccellenza” in Relazioni internazionali ed europee

Lunedì 9 settembre 2024, presso la Camera dei Deputati a Roma, una nostra Laureata Magistrale in Relazioni internazionali ed europee, Lorena Frignani, ha ricevuto il “Premio America Giovani per il talento universitario” dalla Fondazione Italia-USA. Il premio viene rilasciato ai neolaureati d'eccellenza delle università italiane (circa mille ogni anno) selezionati in base a un algoritmo che considera non solo il percorso accademico degli Studenti, ma anche e soprattutto le esperienze e le attività compiute durante gli studi

Lorena, che dopo la nostra laurea triennale in Scienze politiche ha deciso di intraprendere anche il percorso magistrale e specializzarsi in Relazioni internazionali, si è laureata - in corso e con lode - nel marzo del 2024; tra le diverse esperienze compiute durante la laurea magistrale ricordiamo un tirocinio presso la NATO (Comando NRDC di Solbiate Olona) e un internship presso l’OCSE (Organizzazione per la Cooperazione e lo Sviluppo Economico) a Parigi. Ora Lorena collabora come tutor didattico al Diploma Avanzato in Studi Europei presso la Fondazione Collegio Europeo di Parma. 

Oltre al premio, Lorena ha ricevuto anche una borsa di studio per l’Executive Master in “Leadership per le relazioni internazionali e il made in Italy” della Fondazione Italia-USA. 

Alla Dott.ssa Frignani, il Corso di Studi Unificato in Scienze Politiche esprime le più vive congratulazioni per il premio e per i risultati raggiunti, che testimoniano le competenze e la preparazione offerte dal Corso di laurea ai propri Studenti. 

Young America Award to college talent

foto vincitori

Two students from the University of Parma's Department of Law, Political and International Studies won the America Giovani Award to University Talent.

Giulia Sura, a graduate in Law, and Gabriele Masullo, a graduate in International and European Relations, received the award that the Italy USA Foundation dedicates to deserving young recent graduates of Italian universities.

The Young America Award aims to highlight 1,000 talents from Italy each year with university backgrounds of excellence, to support them concretely in their entry into the world of work.

The official award ceremony was held on May 8, 2023 in Rome at the Chamber of Deputies. In addition to the parchment, the young awardees receive a full scholarship to take advantage of the Italy USA Foundation's exclusive online master's program in "Leadership for International Relations and Made in Italy" free of charge.

This prestigious recognition is a source of great pride for the Department. Congratulations to Dr. Giulia Sura and Dr. Gabriele Masullo!


Toll-free number

800 904 084

Student registry office



Quality assurance office

Education manager:
Dott. Pietro Simoni
T. +39 0521 903905
Office E. giurisp.didattica@unipr
Manager E.

President of the degree course

Prof. Emanuele Castelli

Faculty advisor

Prof. Fabio Corigliano

Carrer guidance delegate

Prof. Francesco Mazzacuva

Tutor Professor

Prof. Giacomo Degli Antoni

Erasmus delegates

Prof.ssa Veronica Valenti

Quality assurance manager

Prof.ssa Laura Pineschi

Tutor student

link: studenti tutor