Learning objectives
Microbiology is a part of the integrated course of Basic Sciences.
The teaching aims to provide the student with essential knowledge and understanding the basics about microorganisms (bacteria, protozoa and fungi) and viruses and supply the ability to use this knowledge and understanding as a mean for a conscious approach to the infectious diseases.
Course unit content
Introduction to Microbiology. Human microbiota. Overwiev on infectious diseases.
BACTERIOLOGY. General features and pathogenicity of bacteria.
MYCOLOGY. General features and pathogenicity of fungi.
PARASITOLOGY. General features and pathogenicity of protozoa.
VIROLOGY. General features and pathogenicity of viruses.
Full programme
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Richard A. Harvey, Pamela C. Champe, Bruce D. Fisher
LE BASI DELLA MICROBIOLOGIA (con approfondimenti clinici)
Edito da Zanichelli
Teaching methods
Lectures accompanied by visual aids will be used to convey critical information on the topics relating to the learning content.
Assessment methods and criteria
Learning outcomes will be verified through a written examination that includes 10 multiple choice tests. The tests will be used to verify the student’s knowledge and understanding in the field and her/his ability to apply the knowledge and understanding for a conscious approach to the infectious diseases. The results of the examination will contribute to the final evaluation of the integrated course.
Other information
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