cod. 1002564

Academic year 2015/16
1° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Diritto privato (IUS/01)
Storico, giuridico-economico
Type of training activity
28 hours
of face-to-face activities
4 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit
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Learning objectives

General introduction: the notions of legal rule and legal system - the sources of law within the Italian legal system.
Natural persons and legal entities – rights and remedies – the enforcement of rights and other protected interests in court – the procedural perspective – limitation of action.
Topics in the law of contracts; Topics in the law of torts: the general provision of article 2043 c.c.


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Course unit content

The course is designed to offer a comprehensive introduction to the fundamentals of Italian civil law and sports law.

Full programme

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Liotta - Santoro, Lezioni di diritto sportivo, Milano, 2009
Civil code

Teaching methods

The course will be based on oral lectures.

Assessment methods and criteria

Written test

Other information

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