Learning objectives
1. The student must be able to recognize , describe , apply :
- Paradigms and purposes of scientific knowledge
- What is discipline and what characterizes and constitutes the foundation
- The paradigm of knowledge,
- The meaning of PHENOMENON , CONCEPT , Theory , and in particular must know the properties of the fundamental concepts and theories of metaparadigma of : PERSON , ENVIRONMENT , HEALTH , MEDICAL .
- The fundamental concepts of the theories of care, in reference to the paradigms of totality ( scientific - ethics) and simultaneity ( socio- humanistic - emic ) .
- The main theories of assistance : F. Nightingale , H. Peplau , V. Henderson , D. Orem, M Leininger , J. Watson , ME Rogers , P. Banner , N.Roper and L.J.Carpenito
- Critical thinking skillfulness and intellectual activities
- Critical thinking and the nursing process , defining it in its early stages and sub-stages :
2. The student should be able to develop the 'critical analysis with respect to the process of development of the profession and assistance in relation to the socio-political-economic in different historical periods in Italy, Europe, USA
The student should be able to apply:
1) Application Process for assisting in the daily operations through the analysis of cases.
- The documentation as an operational tool and as a teaching tool: the differences. The analysis of a clinical case.
- The American NANDA classification system
- LJ Carpenito (classification of nursing diagnoses and collaborative problems according to bifocal)
- The classification of the objectives / results (NOC),
- The classification of priority interventions (NIC)
-The student must be able to process simulation in a complex care plan
no prerequisite
Course unit content
The 'Nursing as a Scientific Discipline.
- Definition of Discipline. What characterizes a discipline
- Difference theory vs practice
- The paradigms of knowledge
- The metaparadigma of and concepts that constitute it: PERSON, ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH, MEDICAL
- General characteristics of nursing theories and their paradigms
- The major nursing theories: F. Nightingale, H. Peplau, V. Henderson, D. Orem, M Leininger, J. Watson, ME Rogers, P. Banner
- The theory of N.Roper: metapadigma and conceptual structure.
- The theory of LJ Carpenito: metaparadigma and conceptual structure.
SYNTAX STRUCTURE: Problem Solving as a conceptual basis of the process of care. Critical thinking
- Verification
Collection, methods, organization and recording of data
- Diagnostic Reasoning
The nursing diagnosis
The diagnostic reasoning
The language diagnostic
- Planning
Scheduling results (NOC)
Planning interventions (NIC)
- Implementation / management
Action: Make or delegate
Critical thinking in the management / implementation
- Rating
The assessment in the care process
CLASSIFICATION: the nursing diagnoses, the results (NOC), the interventions (NIC)
- The American NANDA classification system
- The classification of the objectives / results (NOC),
- The classification of priority interventions (NIC)
- LJ Carpenito (classification of nursing diagnoses and collaborative problems according to the model bifocal)
• Basic concepts of nursing and midwifery
• Development of nursing and midwifery in different historical periods.
• History of 'care of the sick and the nursing and midwifery, from antiquity to the present day in Italy, Europe, USA
Full programme
The infermierisitca as Scientific Discipline.
- Definition of Discipline. What characterizes a discipline
- Difference theory vs. practice
- The paradigms of knowledge
- The metaparadigma of and concepts that constitute it: PERSON, ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH CARE.
- General characteristics of nursing theories and their paradigms
- The main nursing theories: F. Nightingale, H. Peplau, V. Henderson, D. Orem, Leininger M, J. Watson, ME Rogers, P. Banner
- The theory of N.Roper: metapadigma and conceptual structure.
- The theory of LJ Carpenito: metaparadigma and conceptual structure.
STRUCTURE SYNTACTIC: Problem Solving as the conceptual basis of the
Process Dealership
Critical thinking
- Assessment
- Collecting, methods, organization and recording of data
- Diagnostic Reasoning
- The nursing diagnosis
- The diagnostic reasoning - The diagnostic language
- Planning
- Planning Result (NOC)
- Planning of interventions (NIC)
- Implementation / Management
- Action: do or delegate
- Critical thinking in the management / implementation
- Record Keeping
- Rating
- The assessment in the care process
CLASSIFICATION: nursing diagnosis, results (NOC), interventions (NIC)
- The American system of classification NANDA
- Classification of the objectives / results (NOC),
- The classification of priority interventions (NIC)
- LJ: Carpenito (classification according to the bifocal model: functional models of health-collaborative problems)
• Basic concepts of nursing and midwifery
• Development of nursing and midwifery in different historical periods.
• History of the 'care of the sick and of nursing and midwifery, from antiquity to the present in: Italy, Europe, USA
"Book of Basic Nursing " Agnelli , Canossa et al . Ed Neptune.
"Elements of nursing" Roper , Logan and Tierney . Ed Il Pensiero Scientifico.
" The nursing : history, theory and methods" C.Calamandrei , Ed NIS
" Nursing Care Plans and Documentation " of LJCarpenito Ed Casa Editrice Ambrosiana
" Nursing diagnosis , application in clinical practice " LJ Carpenito , Ed Ambrosiana
" Nursing Models and Theories " Ruby L. Wesley Publishing Summa Padua
" The theory of nursing" M.R. Alligolod , A.M.Tomey , Ed McGraw Hill
" nursing process and critical thinking " by Judith M.Wilkinson , 3 edition Ed Ambrosiana 2013
" Nursing Diagnosis , " 2012-2014 NANDA International , Ed Ambrosiana
"Classification NOC Mooread , Johnson, Mass , ed. Ambrosiana , 2013
" NIC classification of nursing interventions " GMBulechek , Butcher, Dochterman , Wagner , ed. Ambrosiana , 2013
" Theoretical nursing development and progress of philosophy and theory of nursing " AI Melis , ed. Ambrosiana 2013
" Proceedings of the 1st National Congress of the history of nursing in Italy . National Federation of Colleges IPASVI . Reggio Emilia June 11, 1993 . Curator, Bertoletti "
" Donahue MP " Nursing Illustrated History of nursing . "Ed Delfino , Rome 1991.
A. Rivers " lnfermieri and hospital. History of the Nursing profession into 800-900
" Verona : Neptune, 1993. "
Manzoni E. " History and philosophy of nursing " Masson 1996 "
C. Sironi "History of Nursing " NIS 1992 "
.Benci " Legal aspects of nursing " Mc Grow Hill 2011
The Pascucci , C. Tavormina " The nursing profession in Italy : a journey through history and society since 1800 " Mc Grow Hill 2012
G. Artioli " Historical development assistance and nursing education " Quality Area 2000
Slides of the teacher
Teaching methods
lectures with visual aids
active teaching
self-regulated learning
Assessment methods and criteria
The verification for the achievement of both cognitive abilities regarding materializes:
- Oral examination
- Discussion of the case
- Simulated examples
Other information
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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development
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