cod. 1005019

Academic year 2015/16
2° year of course - First semester
Marina IEMMI
Academic discipline
Scienze infermieristiche ostetrico-ginecologiche (MED/47)
* scienze ostetriche
Type of training activity
8 hours
of face-to-face activities
1 credits
hub: -
course unit
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Integrated course unit module: NURSING AND OBSTETRICS MANAGEMENT

Learning objectives

The course promotes knowledge and understanding of key concepts and processes that encourage the student to understand the styles of leadership and the problems related to this responsibility in the public and private healthcare companies. This awareness will in turn spending in order to apply the knowledge to experienced professional on the role of the manager within the Nursing and Obstetric Hospital and Regional Medical Facilities.


The examination of "Management and obstetric nursing", within which the disciplinary module "Management processes dell'assitenza" is hinged, can only be taken after the completion of the tests of "Health Management" and "Legal Aspects of the leading role ".

Course unit content

The module is carried out through the comparative analysis of the processes regarding nursing and obstetric care with particular attention to expertise, to organizational change in the hospitals and in the territories, to the evolution of the professions and to the different levels of responsibility of the professionals

Full programme

The description of the context in which they are exercised care functions with particular reference to the region and at different levels of responsibility acted out by professionals (clinical, coordination and Executives).
The presentation of the essential characteristics of the Departments charitable organization and any representative models.
Further issues related to the management of organizational change, negotiation, and organizational needs with particular reference to the needs integration and cooperation ..
Presentation and explanation of the main types of organizational models at the level of the hospital and Territorial and their professional
The definition of health strategies applied to the implementation of the Project Manager.
Learn more about the major functions relating to the "Resource Management" with particular reference to the contractual regulations
The treatment of the Competency Model and continuity of care.
The description of the system of the personnel and disciplinary responsibility
The coverage of topics relating to the Quality Assessment Relief


1. M. Bergamaschi “L’organizzazione nelle Aziende Sanitarie” McGrawHill 2000 (Cap. 1;2;3;6;10)
2. Autori Vari “Strategie Sanitarie applicate alle Scienze Infermieristiche” Ed. Società Editrice Universo 2007 (Cap. n. 3; 5; 6)
3. D. Tartaglini-P.Binetti “Organizzazione e salute” Società Editrice Universo 2008 (Cap. n. 1;2;3; e Cap. 3 parte II)
4. M Bergamaschi Creazione del valore e organizzazione in Sanità McGrawHill 2009
5. Autori Vari “L’Infermiere laureato specialista/magistrale: il progetto formativo McGrawHill 2008 Cap. 4; 5; 8.
6. Autori Vari La Complessità Assistenziale McGrawHill 2009
7. M. Schober – F. Affara “Assistenza Infermieristica avanzata” Casa Editrice Ambrosiana 2008
8. Autori Vari “La gestione delle risorse umane” McGrawHill 2008
9. G. Pontello “Il Management infermieristico” Ed. Masson 2002 (Cap. 2;3;4)
10. P. Rotondi – A. Saggin “Persona e Organizzazione” McGrawHill 2002
11. Chantal Moiset – Marina Vanzetta “Misurare l’assistenza McGraw Hill 2003
12. Zangrandi “Economia e Management per le professioni Sanitarie” McGraw Hill 2011
13. Autori Vari “Strategie Sanitarie Applicate alle Scienze Infermieristiche Casa editrice Società Editrice Universo 2007
14. Felice Marra “Le funzioni di coordinamento delle professioni sanitarie” Franco Angeli 2010
15. W. Levati – M. V.Saraò “Il Modello delle Competenze” Franco Angeli 2003
16. G.Marmo-D. Gavetti –R. Rosso –“Profilo di posto. Dalla concettualità al metodo” Edizioni medico Scientifiche 2011

Magazines reference:
1. Assistenza Infermieristica e Ricerca Volume 25 n. 1 e n. 2
2. Mondo Sanitario n. 11 del 2008
3. Mondo sanitario n. 3 e n. 4 del 2009
4. Management Infermieristico n. 3/2004 16-20
5. Management Infermieristico n. 2/2008 19-23
6. Dedalo Volume 1 : N. 1/2003
7. Sanità Pubblica e Privata – Editore Maggioli Marzo/Aprile 2009
8. Mondo sanitario n. 3 e n. 5/2008
9. 1° Rapporto sulle Professioni sanitarie infermieristiche e di Ostetrica nel SSN – Ministero della Salute Roma, marzo 2008
10. Organizzazione Sanitaria n. 1/2009, 5-53
11. Atti del Convegno Nazionale CNAI “Continuità Assistenziale e Sviluppo della Competenza Infermieristica” del 2008
12. Dedalo Volume n.1/2003
13. Dedalo n. 2/2004

Teaching methods

Lectures with the use of audiovisual aids / classroom discussion with students / group

Assessment methods and criteria

The learning and the degree of preparation is checked by written examination with open questions regarding the arguments put forward and discussed during the lessons. The student must demonstrate that they have acquired adequate knowledge and skills to the role that will be filled.

Other information

Nothing to report

2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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Toll-free number

800 904 084

Student registry office

T. +39 0521 033700

Quality assurance office

Education manager:
Sandra Cavalca

T. +39 0521 034908
E. office
E. manager

President of the degree course

Prof. Giuseppe Pedrazzi

Director of Professionalising Teaching Activities (DADP)

Dott.ssa Emma Galante

Faculty advisor / Career guidance delegate

Dott.ssa Emma Galante

Tutor Professors

Dott. Luigi Baldini

Dott. Giuseppe Marletta

Erasmus delegates

Dott. Giuseppe Marletta

Dott. Luigi Baldini

Dott.ssa Emma Galante


Quality assurance manager

Dott.ssa Elisa Vetti

Internships delegates

Dott.ssa Emma Galante
Dott. Giuseppe Marletta