Learning objectives
The course aims to enable the student to learn and understand through theoretical aspects of ophthalmology and visual system that are relevant in the field of exercise science. It also provides elements of interpretation in order to allow the student the ability to use the knowledge and understanding gained in carrying on their own assessments of the impact of vision in sport in each case.
Course unit content
After an introduction to the basics of anatomical and functional organization of the visual system, will be presented visual ametropia (myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism) and their correction, disorders of binocular vision, ocular trauma care (prevention and knowledge of first aid) , diagnostic methods and significance of major eye diseases.
Full programme
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J.J. Kanski: “Oftalmologia clinica”, Masson Italia
Materiale didattico reperibile all'indirizzo:
Teaching methods
During lectures and demonstrations will be presented and discussed the content of the course.
Assessment methods and criteria
The assessment of the achievement of the objectives set by the course includes a written examination.
Through questions regarding the course content, it will be determined if the student has achieved the goal of knowledge and understanding of the content. Through questions concerning the principles of operation and interpretation of the techniques discussed in the course, will be determined whether the student has achieved the goal of applying the acquired knowledge.
To pass the exam, the student must correctly answer at least 60% of the questions. The final grade is out of thirty, in proportion to the number of correct answers. And 'provided that the student can improve your score in the written application through an oral, that may change the rating of no more than 3 points.
Other information
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