cod. 1000029

Academic year 2015/16
3° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Informatica (INF/01)
Discipline informatiche
Type of training activity
56 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit
in - - -

Learning objectives

understanding of the processes of management of enterprise information systems



Course unit content

Information Systems: conceptual foundations
Elements of: Information systems and their role in the enterprise, information systems architectures.
the role of ict in the organization
structuring the organization, time horizon, confiniorganizzativi, analysis of the role of ICT (matrix functional impacts, the BPR of SAP, e-supply chain)
the role of the ICT strategy
approaches to the use of ict (strategic use, information intensity of Porter Millar), impacts on the ICT sector, ICT in competitive strategies (differentiation, cost focus)
technologies, processes, strategies
the degree of technological integration of ICT solutions, computer operating systems, computer systems directional matrix technology-process-and technology-business-process strategies
management process of the SI
planning, development, current management, check-up. Outsourcing of IS
modules with laboratory exercises
2.0 The company
2.0 definitions. tools of Web 2.0 social bookmarking, forums, tagging, wikis, miniwiki, blogs, microblogs. 2.0 Impacts on business functions. Risks and opportunities for the company. The platform and collab-
Customer Relationship Managent

CRM definitions and benefits. The CRM in company IT. The main components and their operational application. The evolution of CRM. Business intelligence and CRM. The Market-leading products in the laboratory

real cases
implementing and managing a software product for the field of webtv
the information system of an online magazine: creation and management of multimedia content.
the information system for the new goals of marketing: information management on the web, online community, social networks
Systems for monitoring and analysis of online information

Full programme

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"Sistemi per la gestione dell'informazione" M. Tagliavini, A.Ravarini, D.Sciuto. Apogeo "Sistemi informativi e aziende in rete"G.Bracchi, C.Francalanci,G.Motta. McGraw-Hill

Teaching methods

lectures, lab exercises

Assessment methods and criteria

written and oral examinations

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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