cod. 1004994

Academic year 2013/14
1° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Scienze infermieristiche ostetrico-ginecologiche (MED/47)
Tirocinio nei ssd di riferimento della classe
Type of training activity
8 hours
of face-to-face activities
1 credits
hub: -
course unit
in - - -

Integrated course unit module: LEGAL ASPECTS OF MANAGER'S ROLE

Learning objectives

Aims: The course aims to provide students with the tools and theoretical concepts useful for the understanding of the fundamental elements of public law with specific reference to the sources of law, the constitutional discipline with particular reference to the protection of health, the structure, all 'organization and functions in health national and regional authorities, the basics in administrative proceedings, privacy protection, employment in the employ of the public administration



Course unit content

The course is divided into no. 8 lessons: 1. The sources of the community internal and straight right (1 hour) 2. The acts of the public administration, rights and legitimate interests, jurisdictional tutelage 3.
Constitutional freedom and social rights with special reference to rights to the health (2 hours) 4. The state organization: Areas and local government with special reference to the health tutelage and the public assistance (5 hours)
5. Regional Health Service: objectives, organization and programming 6. The working relationship to the branches of the Public Administration (included d. lgs no. 150/2009) 7. Access to the acts and privacy.
One points out that, to compendium of the theoretical knowledges, the attention will be constantly oriented to the practical case presentation.

Full programme

The acts of public administration, legitimate rights and interests, judicial protection
3. Constitutional freedoms and social rights with particular reference to the rights to health (2 hours)
4. The organization of the State: Regions and local government with particular reference to the protection of the health and social assistance (No. 5 hours)
5. Regional Health Service: objectives, organization and planning
6. The employment relationship in the employ of the Public Administration (including the d. Lgs. N. 150/2009)
7. Access to the records and privacy

It should be noted that, as a compendium of theoretical concepts, the focus will be totally dedicated to the presentation of practical cases


Barbera - C. Fusaro, Corso di diritto pubblico, 6° ed. Il Mulino, Bologna 2010
G. Cilione, Diritto sanitario, Maggioli editore, 2012
Dispensa a cura dei docenti

Teaching methods

Lectures with using of visual aids and classroom discussion with students.

Assessment methods and criteria

Written exam (no. 10 and no-choice answer. 2 open questions)

Other information

Participation to at least the 50% of the hours of lesson. Reading and texts and slides taken back below:
1) text A. Barbera, C. Fusaro, Corso di diritto, 6° ed. Il Mulino, Bologna, 2010 Study of chap. 1 (only paragraphs 1 and 4), chap. 2 (only paragraph 3), chap. 5 (only paragraphs from 1 to 12 and paragraphs 17,18 e 19), chap. 6 (only paragraphs from 1 to 6 and paragraph 27), 3 (only paragraphs 5 and 7), 14 (only paragraphs from 1 to 4)
2) Text G. Cilione, Diritto Sanitario, Maggioli editore, 2012 study of the chapters 3,4,5 and reading of the chapters 1 and 2.
3) Slides delivered to care of the teachers:
- Slides less. 1 "Le fonti del diritto interno e comunitario"--> reading;
- slide less. 2 "Gli atti della pubblica amministrazione,diritti e interessi legittimi, tutela giurisdizionale" ---> study
- slide less.3 "Libertà costituzionali e diritti sociali con particolare riferimento ai diritti alla salute" --> study
slide less. 4 and 5 "L'organizzazione dello Stato: Regioni e governo locale con particolare riferimento alla tutela della salute e all'assistenza sociale" --> study
slide less. 6 "Servizio Sanitario Regionale: obiettivi, organizzazione e programmazione --> study
Slide less. 7 "Il rapporto di lavoro alla dipendenze della Pubblica Amministrazione (including d. lgs. n. 150/2009)" --> study
8.Slide less. 8 "Accesso agli atti e privacy" - Study