Learning objectives
The course aims, in a first part, to provide some insights on the topic of communication per se, and then dwell on the discussion of the implications of these concepts in the course of producing circular relationship student-teacher.
The second part provides a discussion of the tools and concepts for interpreting a theoretical study of the experience of teaching, using a cutting both diachronic and synchronic.
In the third part, the course will provide an analysis of the main types and forms of teaching, as well as the interpretative situational, useful for identifying what tools and methodologies they can respond more effectively to different methodological lessons with plants or special educational needs related to the proper management of the dynamics of the classroom.
The examination of "Theory and methodology of teaching nursing and midwifery," in which the module specification "Methodology of teaching of nursing and midwifery and applied methodology of training processes related to learning" is incardito, it can be argued only after passing the exams of "Psychology applied to group dynamics and social" and "History and philosophy of nursing and midwifery".
Course unit content
The course is ideally divided into three parts:
1. The teacher-learner relationship; communicative aspects
2. The lesson, models and types
3. The lesson: operational issues.
Gian Piero Quaglino, Fare formazione, Raffaello Cortina editore, Milano, 2005;
Massimo Bruscaglioni, La gestione dei processi nella formazione degli adulti, FrancoAngeli, Milano, 2002;
Fiorino Tessaro Metodologia didattica dell’insegnamento secondario, Armando editore, Roma, 2002;
Maurizio Castagna, La lezione nella formazione degli adulti, FrancoAngeli, Milano, 2008;
Anna Guglielmi, Il linguaggio segreto del corpo, Piemmedizioni, Milano, 2007;
Jerry Richardson, Introduzione alla PNL, NLPItaly, 2004;
Loredana Sasso, Antonella Lotti, Problem based learning per le professioni sanitarie, McGraw Hill – Milano, 2006;
Massimiliano Bucchi, Federico Neresini, Sociologia della salute, Carocci, Roma, 2003;
Guido Giarelli, Eleonora Venneri, Sociologia della salute e della medicina- Manuale per le professioni mediche, sanitarie e sociali, Franco Angeli, Milano 2009;
Roberto Sala, Etica e bioetica per linfermiere, Carocci, Roma, 2003;
Corrado Viafora, Introduzione alla bioetica. Bioetica infermieristica, FrancoAngeli, 2006
Ernest Greenwood, Attributes of a profession", Social Work, 2, n. 3, luglio 1957;
Afaf Ibrahim Meleis, Theoretical Nursing. Development and Progress, Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, marzo 2011 (REV);
Michele Baldassarre, Imparare ad insegnare. La pratica riflessiva nella professione docente, Carocci, Milano, 2009.
Teaching methods
Participatory lesson with the use of visual aids and classroom discussion with students.