Learning objectives
The course aims to bring students to reflect on the ethical aspects of the profession of Radiology Technician and knowledge of the more complex issues related to the advancement of science and technology in health care. At the same time provide the building blocks to become aware of what professional behavior is critical in an exclusive relationship with the patient and with the team.
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Course unit content
A brief history of ethics. The principles of autonomy, beneficence and justice, the method and theories. The relationship with the patient. The informed consent. Biotechnology and Medicine. Ethics of resource allocation in health care. Ethics of donation. Ethics of the beginning and end of life.
Full programme
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Paolo M.Cattorini, "Bioetica" Elsevier
Teaching methods
The course includes both lectures and moments of interaction and depth of the material with the students.
Assessment methods and criteria
The assessment of the achievement of the objectives set includes an oral examination. Through questions on the topics covered in the course will assess the knowledge and understanding of the content by the student.
Other information
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