Transfers and course transitions

A student enrolled at another university who wishes to study at our university or who is enrolled at this university and wishes to study elsewhere may apply for a transfer. In the former instance, this is an incoming transfer, in the latter it is an outgoing transfer.
If the student is enrolled at this University, but wishes to change degree course, he/she may apply for a course transition. A student who has enrolled in a given academic year may apply, by the deadline for the second instalment of fees and without any charge, for an option to change to another course of study. After that date, the option is no longer permitted and it is necessary to apply for a change of course (transition).


The following prerequisites apply when applying to enrol onto years subsequent to the first year:
having passed the placement examination for the specific professional profile of Medical Radiology Technology Professional for the previous year or, alternatively, if the placement examination has not yet been recorded at the time of the transfer/enrolment application for subsequent years, a declaration from the coordinator of the placement/director of professionalising training activities (DADP) certifying that it has been successfully completed should be attached.

Evaluation Criteria

Assessment of applications will be carried out by the Teaching Committee and ratified at the first available Course Council meeting.
The Committee will assess the individual applications mainly with reference to the following criteria:
- the congruity of the teaching syllabus of the examinations taken at the university of origin;
- the number of university credits (ECTS credits) acquired or equivalent (ECTS or equivalent as dictated by the regulations of the country of origin);
- the number of examinations taken and relative marks obtained;
- the verification, with respect to the examinations taken by the student at the university of origin, of the prerequisites and blocks dictated by the Regulations of the degree course in Medical Radiology, Imaging and Radiotherapy Technologies at the University of Parma;
- congruity of the placement programme, the number of hours carried out, the location of the professionalising activity and the number of ECTS credits acquired.
In the event of potentially acceptable applications exceeding the availability of places, a ranking will be drawn up and taken into consideration:
For transfers from the same degree course from Italian universities, the highest total number of examinations taken and the highest weighted average at the time of application (if students are still tying, the younger will be selected);
- For transfers from foreign universities* (EU or non-EU) highest number of ECTS achieved (if students are still tying, the younger will be selected);
- For equivalences, highest degree attainment mark (if students are still tying, the younger will be selected).
*the foreign universities of origin must be accredited by the relevant national authority to deliver a degree course of the same name.



Possono presentare domanda di convalida tutti gli studenti che abbiano sostenuto degli esami presso l’Università di Parma o altri Atenei, indipendentemente dal fatto che le rispettive carriere siano cessate a seguito di rinuncia, decadenza, conseguimento del titolo finale, o, ancora, che il richiedente abbia effettuato un passaggio di corso o un trasferimento da altro ateneo.

Per presentare domanda, l’interessato è tenuto ad inviare alla Segreteria Studenti, all’indirizzo, una scansione dei seguenti documenti:

  • Modulo di richiesta, debitamente firmato (disponibile sul sito del corso di laurea, sotto la voce Servizi>Modulistica);
  • Programmi analitici degli esami superati di cui si chiede la convalida;
  • Autodichiarazione di carriera pregressa;
  • Documento di identità.

Sono esonerati dall’obbligo di inviare i programmi analitici esclusivamente gli studenti che chiedano la convalida di esami sostenuti in carriere interrotte per passaggio di corso. In tutti gli altri casi (trasferimento, rinuncia, ecc.), i programmi devono essere sempre inoltrati in formato PDF ed essere suddivisi in tanti file quanti sono gli esami di cui si chiede il riconoscimento.


N.B.: nel caso in cui si intenda effettuare un passaggio di corso e richiedere, successivamente, la convalida degli esami sostenuti, occorre scaricare l’autodichiarazione della carriera pregressa prima dell’espletamento della procedura di passaggio.