Learning objectives
Graduates in the class, pursuant to Article 6, paragraph 3 of Legislative Decree no. 502 of 30 December 1992, as amended and supplemented, pursuant to Law n.42 of 26 February 1999 and pursuant to Law no. 251 of 10 August 2000, are health care professionals whose field of activity and responsibility is determined by the contents of the ministerial decrees establishing the professional profiles and the didactic regulations of the respective university and postgraduate training courses, as well as the specific codes of ethics.
The main objective of the Degree Course in Medical Radiology, Imaging and Radiotherapy Technologies is to train Medical Radiology Technicians (Ministerial Decree of the Ministry of Health of 14 September 1994, no. 746 and subsequent amendments and additions), who can:
Evaluate the person/user:
- collect data (past medical history) using tools such as anamnesis, questionnaires and/or interviews with the person and other reference figures
- through observation of the person and the clinical questioning, evaluate the application of appropriate technical tools and protocols
- possess the understanding and interpersonal skills required to empathise with the person/user.
Define and plan the protocol to be applied:
- involve the patient by requesting their active participation and informing them of the sequence of the diagnostic examination pathway
- define any crucial technical issues and the relative objectives to be achieved
- identify possible interventions of a preventive nature, choose the resources that can be used within the unit
- justify the protocol choices with reference to the theoretical-technical knowledge acquired.
Manage their own work within the service:
- plan their work taking into account the objectives and priorities of the service in accordance with organisational requirements and the optimal use of available resources
- in planning the diagnostic examination, evaluate the duration and frequency of the intervention in relation to possible side effects of drugs or other scheduled examinations that may influence or affect our treatment.
Perform examinations:
- pursue the diagnostic objectives according to the established protocol
- choose the protocols in relation to the presence of possible critical issues
- prepare the setting for carrying out the examination
- implement preventive interventions
- propose to the user activities consistent with the established protocol, guaranteeing their safety and respecting the regulations in force
- propose and creatively suggest possible alternative solutions in relation to the patient's problems
- use possible aids/supports to facilitate collaboration
- maintain a growing and continuous process of collaboration in patient care, both with the patient and other operators.
Check and evaluate the results obtained:
- critically analyse the executed protocol in a proactive manner
- verify the results on an ongoing basis in collaboration with other professionals
- evaluate the achievement of objectives and measure outcomes using validated methodologies and tools.
Document professional acts:
- document the activities carried out in the diagnostic act respecting the sequence of the methodology of the pathway using the radiological record and the PACS system note field for the required competences
- draw up relevant reports in the event of incorrect procedures/equipment failures while performing duties (incident reporting)
- assume professional attitudes in compliance with the code of ethics
Ensure the confidentiality of information relating to the individual:
- respect the patient's individuality, ideas and expectations
- operate with methodological rigour by applying continual scientific acquisitions to the field of competence
- demonstrate awareness of one's own limits with respect to professional attitude, skills and competences through critical self-assessment.
Establish an effective relationship with the assisted person, family members and team:
- establish effective communication in the care-providing relationship through understanding non-verbal communication, bodily expressiveness and the assumption of behaviour in accordance with the characteristics of the person/user
- illustrate to the user how diagnostic proposals can influence and/or improve their condition
Manage clinical and occupational risk in the workplace:
- ensure a physical and psychosocial environment suitable for patient safety
- identify and analyse clinical risk
- prevent and control major clinical risk events
- use practices to protect the professional from physical, chemical and biological risks in the workplace
- take precautions for the professional in the manual handling of loads.
Methodological teaching tools and training activities to develop the expected results:
- Problem-based learning (PBL)
- Use of self-study contracts and plans in order to empower the student in the planning of his or her traineeship and in self-assessment
- Methodology workshops on online and hard-copy bibliographic research.
Assessment tools to ascertain expected results:
- project work, reports on scientific research mandates
- active participation in working and debriefing sessions
- punctuality and quality in the presentation of papers.