Enrolment procedures and deadlines

For A.Y. 2024-2025, the degree course in Social and Clinical Applied Psychology will be subject to local admission.The selection will be based on qualifications. On this page you will find information on the number of places available, deadlines, eligibility requirements and other useful information.

Places available

  • n. 97    for Italian citizens, EU citizens, and non-EU equated citizens 
  • n.  2     for non-EU citizens residing abroad
  • n.  1     for citizens of the People's Republic of China - "Marco Polo Programme "

When to submit the application and rank list publication

Applications will have to be submitted between hour 09.00 of 08.07.2024 and hour 12.00 of 30.08.2024

> Rank list (publication on September 6, 2024)
> First repechage rank list (publication on September 23, 2024)
> Second repechage rank list (publication on October 1, 2024)
> Third repechage rank list (publication on October 7, 2024)
> Fourth repechage rank list (publication on October 15, 2024)
> Fifth repechage rank list (publication on October 22, 2024)
> Sixth repechage rank list (publication on October 28, 2024)
> Seventh repechage rank list (publication on November 7, 2024)
> Eighth repechage rank list (publication on November 13, 2024)
> Ninth repechage rank list (publication on November 19, 2024)
> Tenth repechage rank list (publication on November 29, 2024)

Important: UPDATE OF REPECHAGE METHODS (publication on November 22, 2024)

The rank list will be compiled on the basis of the weighted average of the profit examinations of the M-PSI scientific disciplinary fields. In the event of a tied score, priority will be given to the youngest candidate.

Requirements for registering for the first and second selection sessions on the basis of qualifications

  • First-cycle degree in Psychology (class 34 or class L-24) or any Italian degree or equivalent qualification, with at least 88 ECTS credits of psychological course units in the M-PSI (M-PSI/01 to M-PSI/08) scientific-disciplinary fields, also acquired through Single Courses. No Master's degree, advanced courses or other.
  • Weighted average in only the profit examinations in the scientific disciplinary fields M-PSI of at least 23.000/30. In the case of degrees obtained abroad, the Course Council will assess the profitability of examinations in the psychology subjects.
  • A B2-level English qualification. Should the student be able to certify only the B1 level at the time of admission, they will then (in case of admission) have to include the Atheneum's didactic activity "Idoneità linguistica inglese Livello B2" in their programme of study, as an additional activity.

For the 2 places reserved for extra UE students, given the difficulty of comparing marks and grades from different countries, the evaluating committee will not adopt the requirement of a weighted average of at least 23,000/30. the committee will instead create a rank list of all applicants based on the weighted average obtained in relevant profit examinations. For each applicant the committee will also evaluate the adequacy of the whole curriculum. The requirement of a first-cycle degree in Psychology remains. 

Weighted average calculation

This spreadsheet must be filled in by the candidates by including only and all exams sustained in previous degrees pertaining the scientific disciplinary fields M-PSI. The resulting file must then be included as an attachment during the online application procedure. The file must not be converted into .pdf or other extensions.

English language self-certification B2 o B1

This self-certification must be entirely filled in by the candidates. The resulting file must then be included as an attachment during the online application procedure.

Please remember that for the validation of professional formative activities up to maximum 10 CFU (as defined in the comma 6, art. 2 of the DM 654/2022), candidates must also produce a certification released by the University where the previous degree has been obtained. The certification must be included as an attachment during the online application procedure.

Tirocinio Pratico Valutativo (TPV)

Si tratta di una certificazione/attestazione attraverso cui l’Ateneo dove si è conseguito il titolo triennale dovrebbe dichiarare che i tirocini svolti sono tutti o in parte relativi ad attività formative professionalizzanti ai sensi dell'art. 2 comma 5 del D.I. n. 654 del 5 luglio 2022, quantificando il numero di crediti, per un massimo di 10.

In sostanza l’Ateneo attesta che il contenuto del tirocinio è conforme a quanto previsto dalla suddetta normativa.

Se non sarà possibile ottenere questa certificazione i 10 crediti di tirocinio che la normativa prevede vengano acquisiti durante il percorso triennale verranno inseriti nel piano di studio come aggiuntivi durante il percorso magistrale.

In questo caso, durante la procedura di iscrizione al Concorso, si dovrà allegare in sostituzione della Certificazione del TPV prevista tra gli allegati obbligatori, un'autocertificazione in cui si dichiara di aver conseguito 0 CFU (non esiste modulo prestampato).

Nel caso in cui l’attestazione di conformità del tirocinio sia contenuta nell’autocertificazione di conseguimento titolo con esami è possibile ri-allegare tale documento anche se già inserito come allegato in “Carriera universitaria".


Toll-free number

800 904 084

Student registry office

E. segreteria.corsiumanistici@unipr.it

Quality assurance office

Education manager:
Ms. Cristiana Gandini
T. +39 0521 905113
Office E. dusic.psicologia@unipr.it
Manager E. cristiana.gandini@unipr.it

President of the degree course

Prof. Tiziana Mancini
E. tiziana.mancini@unipr.it

Guidance delegate

Prof. Valentina Grazia
E. valentina.grazia@unipr.it

Career guidance delegate

Prof. Alessandro Musetti
E. alessandro.musetti@unipr.it


Erasmus delegates

Prof. Luca Caricati
E.  luca.caricati@unipr.it 

Quality assurance manager

Prof. Paola Corsano
E. paola.corsano@unipr.it


Alessandro Musetti
E. alessandro.musetti@unipr.it

Postgraduate trainings

Prof. Luca Caricati
E.  luca.caricati@unipr.it 

Tutor students

Ms. Carlotta Degli Esposti
E. carlotta.degliesposti@unipr.it 

Ms. Maddalena Vavassori
E. maddalena.vavassori@unipr.it