Learning objectives

The Master's degree programme in "Global Food Law: Sustainability Challenges and Innovation" (LM SC-GIUR) aims to train professionals specialised in the food sector, examining the challenges of sustainability and innovation in the agri-food industry from various legal, political, sociological, agricultural and economic perspectives.
The course primarily aims to educate legal experts capable of addressing the needs of a society increasingly open to new professional roles across multiple disciplines. Therefore, it is characterised by strong interdisciplinarity, providing skills not only in law but also in areas related to the extensive field of food.
The course is distinguished by its focus on the quality of teaching, increasingly oriented towards a hands-on and experiential approach, and it offers opportunities for visits and internships in innovative companies, specifically within the food sector.

Course-specific learning objectives

The Master's Degree Course in ‘Global Food Law: Sustainability Challenges and Innovation’ aims to train jurists and experts in the field of sustainability, food and innovation who can find employment, after a notice for public competition, in the public administration, in the for-profit and non-profit private sector, in international organisations and as consultants in the corporate and professional world.

The Master's Degree Course in ‘Global Food Law: Sustainability Challenges and Innovation’ pursues the following learning objectives:


  • To provide a solid basic knowledge in the legal field - both from a private and public point of view - economic, sociological, historical and political that, accompanied by advanced knowledge in the field of sustainable development and innovation about food, is functional to the elaboration of:


  • public policies and intervention programmes on the topics related to the Master’s Degree;
  • business strategies on sustainable development, food and innovation;
  • actions functional to the promotion of sustainable development even at a community level, in particular, about the food domain and the adoption of innovative processes;
  • consultancy in the professional world, where specific and advanced skills are required for the themes of sustainability and innovation with specific reference to the food domain.


This basic knowledge will be achieved by proposing to the students an approach to the legal field from a comparative perspective and by fostering an analysis of the foundations of law from a national, European and international perspective.


  • To create professional skills suitable both within the national administration and within private for-profit, non-profit and international organisations which, cumulatively taken, enable adequate coordination in the field of sustainability and innovative processes related to food between offices and departments of the same structure or between organisations belonging to different sectors.


  • Equip students with a multidisciplinary knowledge of legal, economic, political and sociological phenomena to be employed in the agri-food sector both directly within companies and/or organisations and through consultancy activities. Multidisciplinarity should in particular foster the development of skills and critical analysis capabilities in the socio-economic, historical-legal, philosophical-legal and law and economics fields.


  • Promote, also thanks to the workshop activities carried out during the course, skills in terms of problem-solving concerning complex and concrete legal issues that have implications of an ethical and socio-economic nature in terms of sustainability, food and innovation in the current context characterised by constant and rapid transformation.



Toll-free number

800 904 084

Student registry office

E. segreteria.giurisprudenza@unipr.it

Quality assurance office

Education manager:
Mrs  Anna Maria Roseto (temporary function) 

For information

E. globalfoodlaw@unipr.it

President of the degree course

degree course liaisons

Prof.ssa Lucia Scaffardi
Prof. Giacomo Degli Antoni

Faculty advisor

to be elected

Career guidance delegate

to be elected

Tutor Professor

to be elected

Erasmus delegates

Prof.ssa Malaika Bianchi
E. malaika.bianchi@unipr.it

Quality assurance manager

to be elected


link: Internships

Tutor students

link: Tutor for students