Thesis/Final examination

For the award of the degree, the student must take a final examination, after having passed all the other educational activities. In order to be admitted to the degree examination, the student prepares a paper in Italian (or in English, with an extended abstract in Italian) in which he/she describes the work carried out and the results obtained, prepared in paper or digital form and whose format and characteristics must be agreed upon with the thesis supervisor. Carrying out the thesis requires a total of 125 hours of work equivalent to 5 ECTS credits. The activity related to the thesis work may also be carried out in association with the internship period.  

Characteristics of the final test

For the award of the degree, the student must take a final examination during which he/she illustrates his/her thesis work. This involves experimental or compilative work, preferably interdisciplinary, which can also be carried out at organisations or companies outside the university (provided they have an agreement with the university). The student carries out the thesis work under the supervision of a professor of the degree course or, in any case, a professor in the department (supervisor), possibly assisted by one or more experts on the subject under study (co-supervisors). The final examination consists of the presentation and discussion of the work carried out before a committee of professors from the Degree Course (or, in any case, from the University). In the final examination, the student's ability to obtain data, process and discuss them is assessed.

Conduct of the final examination

The degree examination is taken, in public session, before a Commission appointed by the Director of the Department to which the Degree Course belongs and formally convened. The committee is composed of at least five professors (the majority of whom are tenured professors) and is chaired by the president of the degree course or his/her delegate. The chairman of the commission is responsible for ensuring that the proceedings of the test run smoothly. The graduating student must provide the Board of Examiners with his or her own copy of the thesis, which he or she will collect at the end of the proclamation, and a digital copy of the dissertation, which will be archived by the Course President. During the examination, the student has 10-15 minutes to present the results of of his/her work to the committee and discuss them. The Commission makes a final judgement and formulates the degree grade. The final grade (from a minimum of 66 points to a maximum of 110, with honours if applicable) takes into account the student's entire course of study and is derived from the average of the grades obtained throughout the career (calculated as a weighted average for ECTS credits) to which is added the grade for the thesis, which is between 0 and 4 points. There are also bonuses for students who graduate within prescribed time for course completion. In particular, students finishing their current career will be awarded 4 points (first session: July-September), 2 points (second session: December) and 1 point (special session: February-April) in addition to their thesis grade. In cases of exceptional quality of the work carried out by the student both in the preparation of the thesis and in its presentation, and having assessed his or her career, the Commission may decide to award additional points with a maximum of 2. Honours are proposed by the supervisor and unanimously approved by the committee only and exclusively in the event of attainment, in the manner indicated above, of a mark of 110 with at least 1 distinction obtained in the proficiency examinations. There is an award for student representatives in the University bodies that consists of a special mention at graduation for their service in supporting the functioning of the University bodies, as established by the Department. 
The overall grade for the final examination is announced at the proclamation ceremony.

Application for graduation

The online procedure for applying for admission to take the degree examination is now active.
The procedure must be completed at least ONE MONTH before the Graduation Session and the last examination must be recorded at least 10 DAYS before the Graduation Session. 
From the
University's website, click on Studente iscritto> Servizi di Segreteria on line> Domanda di laurea; you will need to access the service with your University credentials. 
For information, please follow the instructions on the web page


Toll-free number

800 904 084

Student registry office

T.+39 0521 905116 

Quality assurance office

Education manager

Office E.

Education Manager:
Claudia Caselli

T. +39 0521 905613
Manager E.

Course president

Donato Antonio Grasso

Faculty advisor

Alessandro Petraglia

Career guidance delegate

Paola Maria Valsecchi

Erasmus delegates

Alessandro Petraglia

Quality assurance manager

Corrado Rizzoli


Angelo Pavesi

Tutor students

De Matteis Chiara