Transfers and course transitions
Applications to transfer from other locations or to transfer from other degree courses at the University of Parma must be made by 31 October each year (transfer application) The Teaching Commission has INDICATELY set the acquisition of 24 CFU as the minimum requirement for applying to transfer to the 2nd year and set the acquisition of 70 CFU as the minimum requirement for applying to transfer to the 3th year.
To request an opinion on the validation of examinations taken and the possibility of enrolling in years subsequent to the first, write to the Biology Teaching Commission by filling in the form on the page: When filling in the form, it is essential to enter the information as follows based on the university in which you are or have been enrolled. It is possible to send an attachment (e.g. table with examinations). NOTE: if you have to send several files, compress all files into a file, and send this as an attachment. If you enter examinations manually, do not copy and paste from the table because you will lose the formatting.
The Teaching Commission does NOT deal with administrative matters relating to the transfer, for which, in case of doubt, please write to the secretariat.
Students enrolled at the University of Parma (use the institutional email address) Course and year in which you are currently enrolled List of exams you have sat and, optionally, those you plan to sit within the academic year, with the date of the exam, number of CFUs, grade, SSD.
Students enrolled at another university Ateneo, course and year in which you are currently enrolled List of exams you have sat, and, optionally, those you plan to sit within the academic year, with the date of the exam, number of CFUs, grade, SSD, link to the exam syllabus.
Students currently not enrolled at any University University and course in which they were enrolled, and year of degree if applicable.
List of examinations SUSTAINED, and, optionally, of those you plan to take within the academic year, with relevant exam date, number of CFUs, grade, SSD, and, if available, link to exam syllabus.
Toll-free number
800 904 084Quality assurance office
Education manager
Roberta Pagani
T. +39 0521 905613 - +39 0521 905555
E. servizio
E. del manager