Course unit partition: Cognomi E-N

Academic year 2013/14
1° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Storia economica (SECS-P/12)
Ambito aggregato per crediti di sede
Type of training activity
63 hours
of face-to-face activities
9 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit
in - - -

Course unit partition: ECONOMIC HISTORY

Learning objectives

a) Knowledge and comprehension abilities. Te student will learn and understand the economic, social, institutional and political-regulatory processes the characterize the European economy development since medieval time to the present. b) Ability to use knowledge and comprehension. Te student will use the studied issues to understand the economic processes complexity, also with regard to the other disciplnes. c) Judgement autonomy. The student will be able to evaluate the economy processes and develop a critical analysis of the powerful factors that characterize thier evolution. d) Comunicative skills. The student will get a lexical and conceptual property essential for the education and the communication of a triennal student in economic issues. e) Ability to learn. The student will try out a traditional didactic method founded on frontal lessons. However will be there a large recourse to iconographic sources.



Course unit content

The course retraces the evolution of European economies from the late medievale time to the present and it is organized in two modules. The first module underlines and analyze some big themes concerning the evolution of economies and economic institutions to mark out an efficacious introduction to the questions trated by other disciplines. Te second module outlines the economic evolution since the industrial revolution to the contemporary social and cultural trasformations caused by industrialization and economic development. The second part of the course will deal with the growing integration of international economy, to the technical innovations and to the contemporary economic sector changes.

Full programme



A. Di Vittorio (a cura di), Dall'espansione allo sviluppo. Una storia economica d'Europa, Torino Giappichelli, 2011 (3^ edizione).

Teaching methods


Assessment methods and criteria

Written test. a) The knowledge and comprehension abilities will be check by two open-ended questions. b) The ability to implement knowledge will be check by the analysis of the answers concerning the case studies of the 2 open-ended questions. c) The judgement autonomy and the learning ability will be check by the analysis on the general part of the 2 open-ended questions. d) The ability to communicate with a technical and right language will be check verifyng with the vocabulary used in the written answers and the tendency to clarify the meaning of the technical words used.

Other information

Possible other readings will be communicated at the beginning of the course.

2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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