cod. 1004364

Academic year 2017/18
2° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Biologia applicata (BIO/13)
Discipline biotecnologiche con finalità specifiche: biologiche e industriali
Type of training activity
42 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

At the end of the course we expect the student to
- have acquired new instruments and insights into modern Biotechnology principles and applications;
- be able to understand experimental procedures for in vitro and in vivo experiments in biotechnology;
- identify the best experimental procedure according to the case;
- interpret in terms of plant physiology and biochemistry the main genetic improvements
- critically read and understand scientific publications


Basic notions of Plant and animal biology, genetics and biochemistry.

Course unit content

Modern Biotechnologies, “-omics” sciences and “System biology”
Whole genome study and Comparative genomics
Genetic, Molecular and chemical databases
Model organisms for Biotechnology studies - Arabidopsis thaliana L Heynn
In vitro colture and sterility
Synthetic growth media and plant hormones
Epigenetic variability and somaclonal variations
Callus colture
Somatic Embryogenesis
Preparation and culture of protoplasts
Haploid plants: androgenesis, ginogenesis
Ploidy: variation and phenotypic consequences, chimeric organisms
Triticaceae: T. aestivum and T. durum, evolution
Proteins of T. durum
Fruits without seeds, commercial fruits
Secondary metabolism in plants
Shikimic acid pathway
Plant alcaloids: characterisation, utilisation
Morphine: biosynthetic pathway, actions on humans
Terpenes and carotenoids, metabolic pathways and examples
Isoprenoids, examples
Phenolic compounds, examples

Full programme

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Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of Plants, 2nd Edition
Bob B. Buchanan (Editor), Wilhelm Gruissem (Editor), Russell L. Jones (Editor)
ISBN: 978-0-470-71421-8

Plant Physiology 4th Edition
by Frank Salisbury (Author), Cleon Ross (Author)
Wadsworth Publishing Company
ISBN-13: 978-0534151621
ISBN-10: 0534151620

Biology of Plants
Peter H. Raven, Ray F. Evert, Susan E. Eichhorn
W. H. Freeman
ISBN-13: 978-1464117800
ISBN-10: 1464117802

Plant Secondary Metabolism
Authors: Seigler, David S.
ISBN 978-1-4615-4913-0

Plant Biotechnology and Agriculture , Prospects for the 21st Century
Edited by:Arie Altman and Paul Michael Hasegawa
ISBN: 978-0-12-381466-1
Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

Plant Biotechnology for Health, From Secondary Metabolites to Molecular Farming
Authors: Alvarez, Maria Alejandra
ISBN 978-3-319-05771-2

Plant Breeding and Biotechnology
By Denis Murphy
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Online ISBN:9780511619267
Hardback ISBN:9780521823890
Paperback ISBN:9780521530880

Teaching methods

Frontal lessons will be either student-engaging within an active learning dialogue on specific topics or heuristics descriptions and explanations by the teacher on broader aspects of biotechnology.
For each topic under study many applicative examples will be provided and interactively discussed during the frontal lessons. When necessary the teacher will utilize computer aids such as programs and databases to show specific points of interest.
Power point slides used by the teacher during the lessons will be provided directly to the students weekly, when possible.
Moreover, scientific papers of relevance that are discussed during the lessons will be provided to the students ad pdf. files

Assessment methods and criteria

The oral examination is divide into three questions: the first is on the basics of modern biotechnologies, the second on the experimental and practical applications, the third on the secondary metabolism of plants.

Other information

Please attend the frontal lessons.

2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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