cod. 1004366

Academic year 2017/18
2° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Biologia molecolare (BIO/11)
Discipline biotecnologiche comuni
Type of training activity
78 hours
of face-to-face activities
9 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

The main goal of this course is to provide the necessary background for understanding the key aspects of nucleic acid structure, thus explaining the peculiar stability, informational content and 'readability' properties of DNA and RNA.
Special attention will be given to the interaction between nucleic acids and regulatory proteins and to various forms of reciprocal adaptation aimed at maximizing the specificity and regulatory potential of such interactions. Specific case studies deal with bacterial proteins involved in DNA replication and repair, restriction/modification enzymes, RNA polymerase and other transcriptional proteins, ribosomes and other key components of the translational machinery. The different regulatory strategies utilized by bacteria and phages, and their implications (conceptual similarities) with respect to the gene expression control mechanisms operating in more complex organisms will also be examined.
Another general goal is to provide conceptual proof, through theoretical and practical examples (e.g., DNA polymerase, DNA ligase, restriction/modification enzymes, PCR, enzymatic DNA sequencing, host/vector systems and their different types of regulation), of the close connection between basic Molecular Biology and its many applications in the field of "recombinant DNA technology".

Students are expected to acquire a detailed knowledge at the molecular
level of some key cellular processes (mainly related to gene expression control at the transcriptional, post-transcriptional and translational level), besides familiarity with the main
molecular methodologies underlying the experimental discoveries they will be learning about.

Through the guided analysis of the key experiments and structures that led to our current understanding of the main processes involved in the management and transfer of biological information, students will gain the ability (i.e., competecence and criticisim) to addreess the experimental study of novel (or unrelated) bio-molecular processes and to plan meaningful (i.e., carefully controlled) experiments in the field of molecular biology.


Il corso si basa su lezioni frontali con largo uso di immagini, schemi e risultati sperimentali reali. E’ accompagnato da numerosi esercizi e quiz/prove d'esame relativi ai vari argomenti trattati e da esercitazioni pratiche.

Course unit content

The "gene" and some basic features of genes and the informational flux in prokaryotes and eukaryotes; chemical and biological properties of nucleic acids; DNA structure; the double helix and alternative secondary structures of DNA; B-DNA stability; distinctive features of RNA; tertiary structure and compaction of nucleic acids; basic principles of DNA topology. constitute

DNA replication and modification: the basic scheme of replication; DNA polymerase I and DNA ligase: key components of the replication system and important tools of recombinant DNA technology; DNA polymerase III and "replisome" assembly; replication fidelity; specialized replication systems (DNA methylation and bidirectional replication of the Escherichia coli genome; plasmid DNA; phage genomes); linear replicons and the problem of replication termination; the "polymerase chain reaction" (PCR); dideoxynucleotide-interrupted replication and enzymatic sequencing of DNA; DNA restriction and modification; an overview of chemical mutagenesis, DNA repair, recombination and transposition.

Gene transcription: the transcription process and its phases; bacterial promoters; RNA polymerase; sigma and rho factors; positive and negative regulation of transcription; transcriptional control at the level of initiation; termination and antitermination; the lactose operon (LacI, CAP), the tryptofan operon and its regulation through repression (TrpR) and attenuation; other biosynthetic operons and the SOS system; post-transcriptional modifications.

Protein synthesis: overview; the genetic code: tRNA structure and function; structure of prokaryotic mRNAs; translation factors; fidelity and energetics of translation; ribosome structure; protein synthesis regulation (autogenous control) and post-translational modification of proteins.

Phage lambda as an integrated, environmental signal responsive regulatory system; regulatory circuits controlling the lysis/lysogeny decision; positive and negative transcriptional control; anti-termination; "antisense" regulation; programmed mRNA instability and post-transcriptional regulation.
Il corso, costituito da lezioni frontali ed esercizi, è affiancato da una esperienza di laboratorio dedicata ai sistemi ospite/vettore e all'impiego delle tecnologie ricombinanti per la produzione di proteine eterologhe.

Full programme

The "gene" and some basic features of genes and the informational flux
in prokaryotes and eukaryotes; chemical and biological properties of
nucleic acids; DNA structure; the double helix and alternative secondary
structures of DNA; B-DNA stability; distinctive features of RNA; tertiary
structure and compaction of nucleic acids; basic principles of DNA
topology. constitute
DNA replication and modification: the basic scheme of replication; DNA
polymerase I and DNA ligase: key components of the replication system
and important tools of recombinant DNA technology; DNA polymerase III
and "replisome" assembly; replication fidelity; specialized replication
systems (DNA methylation and bidirectional replication of the Escherichia
coli genome; plasmid DNA; phage genomes); linear replicons and the
problem of replication termination; the "polymerase chain reaction"
(PCR); dideoxynucleotide-interrupted replication and enzymatic
sequencing of DNA; NGS and genome editing technologies; DNA restriction and modification; an overview of
chemical mutagenesis, DNA repair, recombination and transposition.
Gene transcription: the transcription process and its phases; bacterial
promoters; RNA polymerase; sigma and rho factors; positive and
negative regulation of transcription; transcriptional control at the level of
initiation; termination and antitermination; the lactose operon (LacI,
CAP), the tryptofan operon and its regulation through repression (TrpR)
and attenuation; other biosynthetic operons and the SOS system; posttranscriptional
Protein synthesis: overview; the genetic code: tRNA structure and
function; structure of prokaryotic mRNAs; translation factors; fidelity and
energetics of translation; ribosome structure; protein synthesis regulation
(autogenous control) and post-translational modification of proteins.
Phage lambda as an integrated, environmental signal responsive
regulatory system; regulatory circuits controlling the lysis/lysogeny
decision; positive and negative transcriptional control; anti-termination;
"antisense" regulation; programmed mRNA instability and posttranscriptional


Watson J.D., Backer T.A., Bell S. P., Gann A., Levine M., Losick R. BIOLOGIA MOLECOLARE DEL GENE Zanichelli, BIOLOGIA MOLECOLARE DEL GENE Zanichelli, VI edizione

Amaldi, Benedetti, Pesole, Plevani
Ed. Ambrosiana.

Ptashne, M. REGOLAZIONE GENICA, Zanichelli (2006)

Teaching methods

Classroom lectures making extensive use of images, schemes and real experimental data. The course is flanked by exercises, test questions and practical laboratory tutorials.

Assessment methods and criteria

Evaluation of the expected achievements will be based on a written test comprising 10 questions. At least one question will bear on calculations and quantitative analyses typical of a Molecular Biology laboratory. Other questions (including multiple choice questions) will bear on specific issues dealt with during the course. A final question will deal with the description (including practical schemes) of a Molecular Biology technique, with examples on the results to be expected in a specific context of application.
The test is designed to allow a detailed evaluation of the theoretical and practical knowledge on the various molecular processes illustrated during the course as well as the ability to apply such knowledge to address and solve specific experimental problems.

Other information

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