cod. 14199

Academic year 2019/20
2° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Storia della medicina (MED/02)
Attività formative affini o integrative
Type of training activity
14 hours
of face-to-face activities
2 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

Aim of the course is to provide students with tools to understand the multiplicity of opinions on the ethical issues related to research and development of biotechnology applications in medicine, veterinary medicine and pharmacy, so as to become aware of the reasons underlying choices and rules in biotechnology.
The modalities of the examination will also allow the evaluation of some soft skills, such as the ability of the student to express and defend her/his opinions in the presentation and during the discussion.


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Course unit content

The first lessons are aimed at supplying fundamental information on bioethics.
Other lessons will address legal and ethical aspects of biotechnological interest. Particular attention will be paid to develop the ability to analyse and discuss the etichal aspects, detailed in the program, which involve the biotechnological research.

Full programme

- The origins and development of bioethics
- Morality and bioethics as applied ethics
- Cultural models in human society
- Genetically modified organisms
- Human-nature relationship and the precaution principle
- Bioethical aspects of the use and conservation of genetic information obtained from patients
- Bioethical aspects of biotechnology related to human and animal reproduction and eugenics
- Bioethical aspects of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine: reproductive and therapeutic cloning
- Ethics of animal experimentation.


Corbellini G., Perché gli scienziati non sono pericolosi. Scienza, etica e politica. Longanesi, Milano, 2009
Comolli GM : Manuale di Bioetica
Lectures will be supported by slides and literature, which will be provided to the students.

Teaching methods

The course is structured in lectures of two hours each. Each meeting will develop one of the topics described in the program. The lesson includes a presentation of the teacher who introduces the topic. The topic is then discussed illustrating the different interpretive approaches. Students are encouraged to express their opinions and discuss. The purpose of providing an opportunity for information and training of critical thinking. At the end of the lesson the teacher makes a summary of the positions emerged and recommended further reading.

Assessment methods and criteria

The oral examination aims at assessing the competences acquired, through the discussion of a graphic presentation concerning a subject chosen by the student. The subject must be preventively approved by the teacher.
Evaluation criteria are:
- Argumentative skills;
- Graphic efficacy of the ppresentation;
- Accuracy and competence in the terminology adopted in the presentation and during the oral examination;
- Ability to integrate scientific data and different opinions concerning the chosen topic;
- Adequacy of the bibliography.
At the end of the examination the teacher will formulate a judgment:
A. Excellent knowledge and understanding of the topic. High capacity for critique and analysis of the issues. Mark out of thirty: 30.
B. Good knowledge and understanding of the subject with some serious inaccuracies. Good ability to critique and analysis of the issues. Mark out of thirty: 27-29.
C. Good knowledge and understanding of the subject despite some shortcomings. Ability to critique and analysis of themes: Mark out of thirty: 24-26.
D. Knowledge and understanding of the fully sufficient even if there are obvious gaps. Mark out of thirty: 21-23.
E. Knowledge and understanding of the subject with just enough obvious and serious flaws. Mark out of thirty: 18-20.
“Lode” will be offered to students who have achieved 30/30, for the demonstration of independence of judgment, high communication skills and ability.

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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