cod. 1000428

Academic year 2019/20
2° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Indefinito/interdisciplinare (NN)
Tirocini formativi e di orientamento
Type of training activity
125 hours
of face-to-face activities
5 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

D1 – Knowledge and understanding
At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
1. Know the characteristics of a between a production system (milk, meat, eggs) and/or sport (horse breeding) system, and/or management of wild populations.

D2 – applying knowledge and understanding
At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
1. Put into practice the knowledge acquired in theory
2. Put into practice of farms the acquired knowledge in the breeding of the main breeds of cattle, sheep, goats, pigs and horses.

D3 – Making judgements
At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
1. Know how to interpret the needs of a production and/or sport system, and/or management of wild populations;

D4 – Communication skills
At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
1. Express clearly and with appropriate terminology during the description of the production system being trained during internship.

2. Read, translate and explain scientific papers written in Italian and English;

D5 – Learning skills
At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
1. Learn the concepts of managing a production system.


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Course unit content

The Professional training “TIROCINIO” is an individual training, aimed at the acquisition of specific skills in the disciplines provided by the declaration of the class. For each activated internship (either internal or external to the University) is drafted and signed a Professional training specific project in accordance with the scheme approved by the Academic Bodies. To ensure that graduates of the class L 38 "Livestock science and animal production technologies" are able to work professionally on all aspects of the livestock and agro-industrial complex, the training activity is quantified in 14 CFU distributed in the three years of the course (4+5+5). The internship is carried out at the end of the second half of each year in companies affiliated and active in the livestock sector and agro-livestock, as well as to firms operating in the processing and marketing of animal production, breeding and use of animals target sport or work and in the management of wild populations. During the internship experience, the student must fill out a diary card, on which he will take care to note the hours of daily activities. The diary card must be countersigned by the tutors (of the farm or of the university) for the certification of attendance and activity carried out. The allocation of CFUs related to the internship will be made at the end of each period at the presentation of the attendance sheet/diary card. The diary card must be delivered to the Students of the Faculty at the end of each period of internship.

Full programme

The Professional training “TIROCINIO” is an individual training, aimed at the acquisition of specific skills in the disciplines provided by the declaration of the class. For each activated internship (either internal or external to the University) is drafted and signed a Professional training specific project in accordance with the scheme approved by the Academic Bodies. To ensure that graduates of the class L 38 "Livestock science and animal production technologies" are able to work professionally on all aspects of the livestock and agro-industrial complex, the training activity is quantified in 14 CFU distributed in the three years of the course (4+5+5). The internship is carried out at the end of the second half of each year in companies affiliated and active in the livestock sector and agro-livestock, as well as to firms operating in the processing and marketing of animal production, breeding and use of animals target sport or work and in the management of wild populations. During the internship experience, the student must fill out a diary card, on which he will take care to note the hours of daily activities. The diary card must be countersigned by the tutors (of the farm or of the university) for the certification of attendance and activity carried out. The allocation of CFUs related to the internship will be made at the end of each period at the presentation of the attendance sheet/diary card. The diary card must be delivered to the Students of the Faculty at the end of each period of internship.


The Professional training “TIROCINIO” activity does not provide reference texts.

Teaching methods

The Practical training internal and/or external to the University structures provides the figure of a TUTOR, academic of from the farm. The academic TUTOR is a teacher of the University, the farm tutor is a professional (Veterinary and / or Agronomist) or an expert on the field. The professional/expert can assume the function of farm TUTOR provided that performs a managerial function under the seat in which we conduct Internship. The Tutors was given the task to verify that the objectives set out in the training project are carried out with competence and professionalism. The allocation of credits related to the Internship will be carried out at the end of each period at the presentation of the attendance sheet/diary card.

Assessment methods and criteria

During the internship experience, the student must fill out a diary card, on which he will take care to note the hours of daily activities. The diary card must be countersigned by the farm Tutor for the certification of attendance and activity carried out. The allocation of credits related to the Internship will be carried out at the end of each period at the presentation of the attendance sheet/diary card.
The diary card must be delivered to the Students of the Faculty at the end of each period of internship.

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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