Learning objectives

Knowledge and ability to understand:
At the end of the course, the student must have acquired a broad and critical view of methodologies and techniques for the restoration and reuse of the historical building, aimed at its enhancement in relation to the existing cultural debate.

At the end of the study path, the student must have developed the ability to identify the main criticalities and potentialities of a building or, more generally, a historical site (understood as material-structural consistency, historical value and vocation for transformability) and to develop, on the basis of a critical judgment always deriving from the fundamental phase of knowledge, an organic project of restoration and conservation, with particular attention to the possible reuse of the heritage.

Autonomy of judgment:
At the end of the course and in the realization of their project, the student is expected to have developed the ability to critically evaluate the potential and implicit constraints in the state of conservation of a site, identifying the conservation and intervention techniques more correctness, always necessary balance between request for conservation, structural safety and enhancement (new use). He will also have acquired the ability to interpret and evaluate the quality of any restoration project.

Communication skills:
During the course, the student will have to refine his / her own language properties, with particular reference to the specific technical terminology of the courses involved, in order to be able to effectively and punctually communicate their project, in the various aspects involved.

Learning ability:
The student must acquire the ability to critically evaluate different possible options and to frame their own design choices in a wider cultural context.


It is useful to have attended the course of ANALYSIS and CONSERVATION OF EXISTING STRUCTURES (I year Master, Architecture) and RESTORATION PROJECT, of which this synthesis laboratory constitutes the natural evolution. The knowledge of consolidation and structural analysis of historic buildings, as well as of the materials that compose them, are assumed to have been acquired during the course, and will be studied in depth in the specific module.
It is also useful to have attended the course in History and Theory of Restoration and Construction Characteristics of Historical Building, as well as Materials for Architecture.
Knowledge of automatic drawing programs and multimedia presentations is helpful.

Course unit content

The course is essentially aimed at the reorganization, by the students, of the contents learned during the course of study for the realization of their final degree thesis, on the themes of conservation and reuse.
Organized in a theoretical part - recalling and deepening the main themes of restoration and conservation, as well as the tools to achieve them - and a more operational - of restoration design applied to a specific case (chosen by the student during the course), the Laboratory consists of several modules:
- Integrated conservation of historical buildings
- Analysis and evaluations for the transformability of architecture
- Usefulness and harm of history for restoration
- Analysis and methods for the conservation of historical green
- The technological system for the passive behavior of the building
- Analysis of existing structural constructions
- Lithology and geology for architecture
Please refer to the cards for a more detailed description of the contents of the individual courses.

During the course the student will be provided with a broad and critical view of regulations, methods and techniques for the knowledge of the historical architectural heritage and its state of conservation, as well as the most current methodologies for the definition of a correct restoration project, which very often finds in reuse the first guarantee of realization, also in relation to the existing cultural debate.
The design part will be developed by individual students (even in small groups) in their final graduation paper which will result in the project of a specific case study (proposed by the teachers or even chosen independently by the student, subject to their approval) on which to apply, in a critical synthesis, the knowledge acquired during the course in the individual courses.

Full programme

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Recommended books:
· AA. VV, Trattato di restauro architettonico, diretto da Giovanni Carbonara, Utet, Torino 1996.
· B. P. TORSELLO, S. F. MUSSO, Tecniche di restauro architettonico, Utet, Torino 2003.
· AA. VV., Il manuale del restauro architettonico, coordinato da Luca Zevi, Mancosu, Roma 2001.
· E. MAZRIA, Sistemi solari passivi: soluzioni per una migliore qualità ambientale degli edifici, Franco Muzzio editore, Padova, 1990.
· E. GIURIANI, Consolidamento degli edifici storici, Utet, Torino, 2012

Other books:
- R. DI STEFANO, Antiche pietre per una nuova civiltà, Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, Napoli, 2003;
- R. DI STEFANO, Monumenti e valori, Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, Napoli, 1996;
- T. MONTANARI, Privati del patrimonio, Le Vele, Einaudi, Torino, 201?
- S. SETTIS, Architettura e democrazia, Le Vele, Einaudi, Torino, 201
- R. PICONE, Conservazione e accessibilità. Il superamento delle barriere architettoniche negli edifici e nei siti storici, Arte Tipografica, Napoli 2004.
- J. GOULDING, R. LEWIS, J. OWEN, TP. STEEMERS, Energy in Architecture: the European Passive Solar Handbook, Commission of the European Communities, Dublino, 1992.
- V. CALDERARO, Architettura solare passiva: manuale di progettazione, Edizioni Kappa, Roma, 1981.c
- C. BENEDETTI, Manuale di Architettura Bioclimatica, Maggioli editore, Rimini, 1994.
- AA.VV, Architettura bioclimatica, De Luca editore, Roma, 1983.
R. ACHARD, P. GICQUEL., European Passive Solar Handbook: Basic Principles and Concepts for Passive Solar Architecture. Commission of the European Communities, 1986.
ICOMOS-ISCS: Illustrated glossary on stone deterioration patterns = ICOMOS-ISCS: Glossaire illustré sur les formes d'altération de la pierre. Manual. ICOMOS, Paris, 2008, 78p. http://www.icomos.org/publications/monuments_and_sites/15/pdf/Monuments_and_Sites_15_I SCS_Glossary_Stone.pdf
Cadignani, Rossella; Lugli, Stefano. La Torre Ghirlandina, storia e restauro (Voll. 1 e 2). Luca Sossella Editore, 2010

- M. VINCI, Metodi di calcolo e tecniche di consolidamento per edifici in muratura, Dario Flaccovio Ed., 2019
- R. ANTONUCCI, Restauro e Recupero degli edifici a struttura muraria. Analisi e interventi sul “costruito storico”, Maggioli, 2012
- M. COMO, Statica delle costruzioni storiche in muratura, Aracne, 2013

Additional teaching material (AVAILABLE ON THE COURSE'S ELY PLATFORM):
lecture slides

Teaching methods

The course is divided into a series of lectures, of a seminar type (also with the participation of experts external to our course, professionals and teachers from other universities), aimed at the in-depth study of topics useful for the project and in reviews by all the teachers involved in the workshop on the design theme chosen by the individual students.
Lessons will mainly take place in person - obviously after checking public health conditions and in compliance with the University regulations. For students who, at least in the first semester and for justified reasons, should decide to follow in remote mode, support material will be provided to the slides on the elly page of the course (seminar pills, references to texts, videos)
In addition, seminar lessons for guests are planned, which may be remote and which will in any case be recorded and delivered also in streaming mode. Furthermore, the module “Lithology and geology for architecture” (2 CFU) will be delivered remotely, at least for the first semester. The few online lessons will still be scheduled in the timetable in order to allow the student a possible organization (concentrating them in a part of the day or for the whole day) and to make the necessary movements.
There will also be a workshop, in the second semester, which will see the deepening of the students' project work, through seminars in the field and reviews by other actors involved in the restoration design process (institutions, superintendence, external professionals, associations interested).
For the design part, the students took advantage of the restoration project of the chosen case study (assigned or approved by the teachers), the aspects of the individual courses through a series of ongoing revisions. The reviews are carried out during laboratory hours by analyzing the material prepared by the students on paper.
At least two collective reviews are foreseen during the course: at the end of the first semester and at the end of the course. On such occasions each student (or possible group) must present (with Powerpoint or similar) the progress of their project to the teachers and other students. These occasions are important for exercising the student's communication skills and as an opportunity for exchange and comparison, as well as for checking the progress of the work during the course.

Assessment methods and criteria

During the year there will be collective reviews (roughly two), public presentation of the projects, which will allow an initial assessment of the language properties and communication skills of the students.
The exam will consist in the delivery of some summary tables and a short report of the final project, which will then be developed in the degree thesis, and in the evaluation of the material by the teachers involved in the course, in a joint and integrated way (obviously in proportional to the credits of each module).

Other information

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