cod. 1008410

Academic year 2020/21
1° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Chimica degli alimenti (CHIM/10)
Discipline delle tecnologie alimentari
Type of training activity
52 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

The course has the following main objectives:
- acquisition of technical skills in the field of food safety and emerging risks
- critical understanding and elaboration of chemical contamination data
- critical evaluation of emerging risks and crisis/outbreak scenario, with a focus on the food/feed production chain


Fundamentals in food chemistry and analytical chemistry

Course unit content

Xenobiotics can be defined as any foreign substances or exogenous chemicals which the body does not recognize such as drugs, pollutants, as well as some food additives and cosmetics.
The course will provide an overview of the main food related xenobiotics, of their formation/origin, their stability and accumulation along food/feed production chain, as well as their metabolic fate.
Methodologies for identification, analysis, and hazard characterization will be provided.
Selected case-studies from the recent literature will be critically described and discussed.

Full programme

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Suggested Book:
Belitz, H.-D., Grosch, W., Schieberle, P. FOOD CHEMISTRY; Springer Ed. ISBN 978-3-540-69934-7

Slides, report, and scientific literature will be provided.

Teaching methods

Class teaching; case-study discussion; team work

Assessment methods and criteria

Teamwork on a topic assigned by the teacher. Oral discussion of the work done.
In case of online exam due to the COVID pandemic, the same modality will be used (MS Teams platform)

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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