cod. 1002998

Academic year 2022/23
1° year of course - First semester
Stefania FUCCI
Academic discipline
Sociologia generale (SPS/07)
Discipline del servizio sociale
Type of training activity
36 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

At the end of the course, students are expected to be able to:
- Adopt a sociological eye to analyse social phenomena
- Use sociological language to describe and analyse any social phenomenon
- Consciously and critically analyse the reality around them and the contexts (social, economic and cultural) in which they live


This course does not require special prerequisites

Course unit content

The course will be organized in three parts. A first part in which an analysis of the pillars of sociological theory (culture, structure and power) and the element that characterize them will be proposed and the main categories useful for analyzing the different social phenomena will be presented.
A second part will be dedicated to addressing issues such as identity, gender and inequalities, in the light of those pillars presented in the first part.
A third part will be dedicated to the analysis of the main institutions and social processes.

Full programme

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Croteau, D., Hoynes, W., (2021), Sociologia generale. Temi, concetti, strumenti, New York, McGraw Hill Education.
Students are warned against disseminating course materials (slides) and notes associated with the lecturer’s name outside Unipr.

Teaching methods

The teaching activity will be conducted partly in a frontal way, promoting in any case the exchanges and the discussions with the students; partly with exercises, decisional cases and discussions. During the lectures, slides will be projected. All materials will be made available on the Elly platform, also used for communications and notices

Assessment methods and criteria

The exam will be written and will focus on the exam book. In particular, it will composed by 3 open-ended questions with no answer limits and 6 multiple choice questions (time available: 2 hours). The open-ended questions are general, and have the aim not only of assessing notional learning, but also the ability of the students to process critically and the appropriateness of language. Each open-ended question will be assessed with a score from 0 to 8 points, while each multiple choice question will be scored 1 point.

Other information

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