cod. 1007732

Academic year 2021/22
3° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Restauro (ICAR/19)
Teorie e tecniche per il restauro architettonico
Type of training activity
60 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

Lo studente sarà in grado di analizzare e valutare criticamente un intervento di riuso, nonché di progettare alcuni semplici soluzioni che consentano una riduzione dei consumi.

Knowledge and understanding capabilities:
At the end of the course, the student will have a complete picture of the different possible approaches to the reuse of an existing building, to be chosen depending on the multiple values involved and of the different possible contexts.

The student will be able to analyze and critically assess a reuse intervention, and to design some simple solutions for the reduction of energy consumption, in the respect of the main values of the existing building.


It is necessary to know the fundamental aspects of restoration.

Course unit content

The course is a module within the Final Synthesis Laboratory in Analysis and Design for the reuse of built heritage. Respecting this Laboratory’s organization, also this module is organized in two parts: a theoretical one and an applied one (mainly in the second period), including an intensive workshop.
The theoretical part is focused on the theoretical-methodological aspects of interventions on existing buildings and on the different issues which need to be faced in the choice of design solutions. Some examples will also be showed of meaningful cases in different contexts.
In the second period, reviews will be carried out to face the specific issues of the single groups.

Full programme


G. Franco, “Riqualificare l'edilizia contemporanea. Valutazione progetto intervento sicurezza”, Franco Angeli Editore, 2003.
More didactic material can be found in the course’s website.
Thematic references for the rural heritage:
W. BARICCHI (ed.), Insediamento storico e beni culturali pianura reggiana, Bologna: IBC Regione Emilia-Romagna, Reggio Emilia: Provincia, stampa 1994
M. ZAFFAGNINI, Le case della grande pianura, Firenze, Alinea, 1997
A. MAMBRIANI, P. ZAPPAVIGNA, Edilizia rurale e territorio. Analisi, Metodi, Progetti, Mattioli 1885 Editore, Parma, 2005

Teaching methods

The course is composed of traditional lectures (taught class), also with Powerpoint presentations, and reviews, mainly in the second period, when also the intensive workshop will take place.

Assessment methods and criteria

The single module has no autonomous judgment, but the learning assessment will be made altogether in the final exam of the Final Synthesis Laboratory in Analysis and Design for the reuse of built heritage, which consists in an oral examination focused on the practical design case examined.

Other information

As for all the laboratories, attending the courses is compulsory.