cod. 1001070

Academic year 2011/12
2° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Matematiche complementari (MAT/04)
Formazione teorica avanzata
Type of training activity
48 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
course unit
in - - -

Learning objectives

To be aware of the role of didactic mediators in teaching practice


Concepts and models of Ditactics of Mathematics

Course unit content

Examples of didactic mediators and their classification. A survey of their nature, applicability and restraints.

Full programme

Presentation of the course. The concept of ‘mediator’ in the theory of prof. E. Damiano; classification of mediators: active, iconic, analogical, symbolic; example of conceptualization related to triangle; the software Excel as mediator: examples; the meaning of “semiotic mediation”; about the ‘resolution of triangles with Excel’; the software as mediator; the concepts of “artefact” and “ instrument” in relation to the “knowledge”; reading from Giusti about the concept of “mathematical object”; the mediator “squared paper”: an example of research, possible misconceptions related to the use of the mediator; distinction from “artefact” and “instrument” following Rabardel; the “problem of tangram”: the concepts of “continuum” and “discrete” by means of the use of the software; the problem of “Treasure hunt” and its solution between Cabri-Géomètre: positive and negative aspects; about Cabri-Géomètre software: potentiality and limits; examples; the software Cabri-Géomètre as mediator; a peinture as mediator: from some works of van Doesburg to mathematics; some mathematical concepts in Escher works; the concept of similitude starting from Escher works: analysis of the definition ; the similitude of parabolas with Cabri; non-Euclidean geometries: the Poincaré model, the software Cabri-Géomètre hyperbolic; circular inversion with Cabri; the use of software to change demonstration; examples og demonstrations based on ‘wrong’ figures: the role of software in the demonstration; final considerations and conclusion of the course.


Lectures notes

Teaching methods

Frontal lectures and laboratorialactivities involving school textbooks and tools

Assessment methods and criteria

Oral examination with discussion of an examination paper

Other information

Lectures nots will appear as 'Materiale didattico' on the page of Campusnet web site