Thesis/Final examination

On this page you will find all the information about the final examination and the awarding of marks and bonuses.

Characteristics of the final examination

The final examination is worth 27 ECTS credits.

For the award of the second-cycle degree course Mathematics, the submission of an original dissertation prepared by the student under the guidance of a supervisor, on topics congruent with the objectives of the degree course, is required.

The dissertation may consist of a manuscript, or a project paper accompanied by a manuscript, or an electronic paper accompanied by a manuscript.

The manuscript can be written in Italian or English. In the latter case, the title page of the dissertation must include, in this order, the title in Italian and the title in English; a summary of the dissertation in Italian must also be provided. The dissertation must be bound in such a way that the pages cannot be replaced; in particular, spiral binding is not permitted.

Marks and bonuses

The mark for admission to the degree examination is the weighted average of the credits derived from the marks achieved in the exams taken during the course.

The dissertation is marked from 0 to 10, at the discretion of the committee.

In addition to the cultural content of the dissertation, the Committee assesses the candidate's achievement of the following indicators when awarding marks:

  • autonomy of judgement
  • communication skills
  • learning ability

A bonus of up to two points is envisaged for study activities (even if not within the Erasmus+ programme) carried out abroad, assessed on the basis of duration and qualification.

Students wishing to apply for the bonus must apply for it to the Degree Course Internationalization contact person, at least 15 days before the meeting, by submitting documentation certifying the study activities undertaken abroad.
The awarding of honours (lode) must be unanimously approved by the Committee.

The degree grade is out of 110 and is announced at the proclamation ceremony. 

Procedure for the final examination

On the day scheduled for the graduation session, the student shall discuss his/her dissertation in the presence of a special seven-member Committee, the majority of whom shall be tenured professors of the University of Parma, whose Chairman shall be chosen from among the Committee's tenured professors, giving preference as a rule to the Director of the Department of Mathematical, Physical and Computer Sciences or to the President of the Unified Course Council of the Degree Course in Mathematics and the Second-Cycle Degree Course in Mathematics, or to the highest-ranking professor with the greatest seniority in the role. According to the needs of the degree course and in compliance with the University Regulations, the Committee may be reduced to five members, the majority of whom are tenured professors of the University of Parma.

The Committee is appointed by the Director of the Department of Mathematical, Physical and Computer Sciences on the recommendation of the President of the Unified Course Council of the Degree Course in Mathematics and the Second-Cycle Degree Course in Mathematics.

On the day of the final examination, the candidates illustrate their work in a slide presentation lasting approximately 20 minutes.

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Deposito della tesi di laurea magistrale sulla piattaforma DSpace (FACOLTATIVO)

Oltre al deposito della tesi su ESSE3, obbligatorio, dall'a.a. 2022/23, in accordo con il docente relatore, per i laureandi è FACOLTATIVO depositare la tesi anche nel repository istituzionale DspaceUnipr per la consultazione online ad accesso aperto.
Per informazioni su questa opportunità e sulla procedura da seguire si visiti questa pagina oppure si contatti la Dott.ssa Fabrizia Tassoni



Toll-free number

800 904 084

Segreteria studenti

T. +39 0521 905116

Quality assurance office

Education manager
dott.ssa Giulia Bonamartini

T. +39 0521 906968
Office E.

President of the degree course

Prof. Luca Lorenzi

Faculty advisor

Prof. Luca Lorenzi

Career guidance delegate

Prof. Francesco Morandin

Tutor Professors

Prof.ssa Alessandra Aimi

Prof. Luca Lorenzi

Prof. Adriano Tomassini


Erasmus delegates

Prof. Leonardo Biliotti

Quality assurance manager

Prof.ssa Alessandra Aimi


Prof. Costantino Medori

Tutor students

Dott.ssa Fabiola Ricci