Learning objectives
The main aims of the Course “Sedimentary Geology I” will be the sedimentary structures related to unidirectional, oscillatory and combined flows. The sharp based and normally graded beds related to sediment gravity flow will be also deeply discussed.
Furthermore, the course has as main objective that to furnish to the student the basis for interpreting the main terrigenous depositional systems, that is to say alluvial, both beach and tide coastal ones, deltaic, to turbidite and contourite deep-sea systems. This type of study will be focused especially on the facies analysis, investigating most of all the relation among the various types of facies, as well as the physical processes.
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Course unit content
The research topics of the Course “Sedimentary Geology I” will be physical stratigraphy and sedimentology of terrigenous depositional systems, that is to say alluvial, both beach and tide coastal ones, deltaic, to turbidite and contourite deep-sea systems. This type of study will be focused especially on the facies analysis, investigating most of all the relation among the various types of facies, as well as the physical processes.
Full programme
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Bosellini A., Mutti E., Ricci Lucchi F. (1989) – Rocce e successioni sedimentarie. Casa Editrice UTET
Ricci Lucchi F. (1992) – Sedimentolgrafia. Casa Editrice Zanichelli
Ricci Lucchi F. (1978) – Sedimentologia, parte I, II e III. Casa editrice CLUEB.
Ricci Lucchi F. (1993) – I ritmi del mare. Casa editrice NIS.
Reading H.G. (1997) - Sedimentary Environments: Processes, Facies and Stratigraphy. Thrid Edition, Blackwell Science.
Allen JRL. (1982) - Sedimentary structures, vol. I and II. Elsevier
Allen JRL (1985) – Principles of Physical stratigraphy. Blackburn Pre
Teaching methods
frontal lessons and field trips
Assessment methods and criteria
Oral test
Other information
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