Learning objectives
The course is aimed to introduce the student to the analysis and interpretation of sedimentary successions through the main concepts and approaches of stratigraphy, of facies analysis and their more common practical applications. The course include field work in the Apennines and in the Dolomites.
basic knowledge of geology and geomorphology
Course unit content
sedimentary processes, facies analysis, sedimentary environments, principles of stratigraphy, stratigraphic units, stratigraphic correlations
Full programme
Origins, aims and problems of Stratigraphy
The economic significance of sedimentary rocks
Methodologies, physical and time scales
Traditional stratigraphic units: introduction to classification criteria
Stratification: concepts and rules
Facies analysis: facies concept, facies and attualism; catastrophism and uniformitarism; from sedimentary facies to processes and environments; synchronous and diachronous facies boundaries.
Outcrop study methodology: problems and data presentation
Depositional systems: general definition, alluvial systems, coastal and shallow marine systems, deep-marine systems; carbonate systems
Sedimentary basins: origin and classification
Relative and absolute rock dating
Stratigraphic correlation: general concepts; regional-scale to detail correlations; the importance of stratal surface, their correct definition and stratigraphic implications.
Transgressions, regressions and sedimentary cycles; relative sea-level changes; origin of unconformities; definition of depositional sequence and allostratigraphic units; eustatic curve; sedimentary cyclcity; elements of cyclostratigraphy
Allen Ph.A. and Allen J.R., 1990 - Basin Analysis : Principles and Applications, Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford Prothero D.R., 1990 - Interpreting the Stratigraphic Record - W.H. Freeman & Company, New York Reading H.G. (editor), 1996 - Sedimentary Environments: Processes, Facies and Stratigraphy (Third Edition) - Blackwell Science Ltd, Oxford
Teaching methods
frontal lesson, field work
Assessment methods and criteria
oral examination
Other information
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