List of degree courses

Degree course
Free access
course in italian
class L-1

A course with a long and established tradition at national and international level, the result of a dense network of relationships woven over time with the city's cultural institutions. Precisely in a city often at the top of national rankings for the quality of living, thanks to its proximity to the Pilotta cultural and museum centre, we manage to combine theory and experimentation with materials in the fields of modern and contemporary art, cinema, music and theatre.

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Degree course
Free access
course in italian
class L-20

The study course in Communication and Contemporary Media for the Creative Industries (class L-20) is a three-year first-cycle degree course that trains professionals able to act in the world of contemporary communication and to relate in a conscious and mature way with this complex universe. In particular, the course structure is designed to focus on the visual, performative and media aspects of communication systems.

Immagine descrittiva
Degree course
Chronological access
course in italian
class L-19

The degree course in Educational sciences (class L-19) is a three-year first-cycle degree course that provides a solid basic education in the educational sciences and develops interdisciplinary skills.

[immagine descrittiva]
Degree course
Free access
course in italian
class L-10

Four curricula - classical and archaeological, modern, historical and humanistic-digital - will allow you to choose the course of study closest to your interests and passions from the very first year.

A course that offers quality teaching, as evidenced by its stable placement at the top of student evaluations. But it is also an innovative course: for several course unit you can opt for a mixed teaching mode, distance and face-to-face, all in a context that encourages study and research thanks to the optimal professors/student ratio, the attention to new technologies, the services offered in terms of classrooms, libraries and laboratories, and the close contacts with the most important cultural institutions in the area.

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Degree course
Free access
course in italian
class L-11

The Course in Modern Foreign Languages and Civilizations aims to provide students with an in-depth knowledge of two European foreign languages, as well as of the cultural heritage of the civilizations of which they are an expression, and a good proficiency in a third language. More details on the course presentation page.

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Degree course
Free access
course in italian
class L-5

The first-cycle degree course in Philosophical Studies, structured in a single curriculum, pursues the primary objective of providing a solid basic knowledge in all areas of philosophy, both from the point of view of cultural content and from the methodological point of view. The course lasts three years, the first of which is devoted to fundamental knowledge and methodologies, the second to their critical study, and the third to both the in-depth study and the relationship of philosophy with other disciplines.

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Career-oriented degree
Admission test
course in italian
class L-12

[Questo è un testo di esempio] Un corso dalla lunga e consolidata tradizione a livello nazionale e internazionale, frutto di una fitta rete di relazioni intessute nel tempo con le istituzioni culturali cittadine. Proprio in una città spesso ai vertici delle classifiche nazionali per la qualità del vivere, grazie alla contiguità con il polo culturale e museale della Pilotta, riusciamo a unire teoria e sperimentazione sui materiali nei campi dell’arte moderna e contemporanea, del cinema e del teatro.

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Second-cycle degree course
Open access with verification of requirements
course in italian
class LM-14, LM-15

The Master’s Degree Course in Classical and Modern Philology and Literature (LM-14&15), compared to monoclasses, is more balanced in terms of its course catalogue, is interdisciplinary in nature and allows a choice between Classical and Modern Literature also in the second year.

The course offers a wide and diverse choice for those interested in literary, musicological and historical or archaeological and philological-literary paths, with the right combination of structured instructors, who ensure the institutional consistency of the didactic and scientific training, and external instructors, who offer a valuable bridge to the labour market.

There are numerous possibilities for internal (e.g. excavations, archives, scientific editorial offices) and external (in agreement with archaeological, archival, cultural, publishing, museum and educational institutions) internships.

A distinguishing feature is the excellent ratio of student and instructor numbers, which contributes to the high quality of teaching and services.

[Chiostro di Via D'Azeglio 85]
Second-cycle degree course
Open access with verification of requirements
course in italian
class LM-50

The degree course in Design and Coordination of Educational Services (class LM-50) is a second-cycle course that enables students to acquire the competences to design, implement, manage, coordinate and evaluate educational interventions and services in the territory. 

Design and Coordination of Educational Services
Second-cycle degree course
Open access with verification of requirements
course in italian
class LM-89

The History and critic of arts and performance second-cycle degree course trains highly qualified art historians by providing knowledge at a specialist level in medieval, modern and contemporary art history, in iconography and iconology, in art criticism and museology, stimulating a critical attitude through the acquisition of a sound methodology of historiographic investigation. The disciplinary sectors that constitute the core of the course are in fact the art-historical ones and the articulation of the teachings is defined in such a way as to restore the complexity of the expressive forms of the visual arts, from the Middle Ages to the present day, without excluding the disciplines of performing arts and cinema. Ample space is reserved for art criticism, landscape architecture and the science of information and documentation.

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Second-cycle degree course
Open access with verification of requirements
course in italian
class LM-19

The second-cycle degree course in Journalism, editorial culture, environmental and multimedia communication of the LM-19 class (Information and Publishing Systems), articulated over several curricula, is designed to offer students the opportunity to acquire critical tools and to mature the knowledge and skills necessary to operate in all areas of information publishing and communication, combining solid cultural foundations with in-depth knowledge of the techniques and methodologies of the information system and skills useful for the conception and design of multimedia products and for the managerial and organisational needs of journalistic and publishing enterprises.  Several of the course units are also available in blended mode in addition to the traditional mode.

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Second-cycle degree course
Open access with verification of requirements
course in english
class LM-39

Language Sciences and Cultural Studies for Special Needs is a second-level degree programme in Linguistics (LM39-Linguistica).

All the core subjects are taught in English, most of which in a blended mode, both on campus and online.

[immagine descrittiva]
Second-cycle degree course
Open access with verification of requirements
course in italian
class LM-78

Interuniversity Second-cycle Degree Course in Philosophy with the Universities of Parma, Modena-Reggio Emilia and Ferrara

The Interuniversity Second-cycle Degree Course in Philosophy unites the Universities of Parma, Modena-Reggio Emilia and Ferrara, and has its administrative office at the University of Parma. Combining the strengths of the three universities has expanded and enhanced the range of courses on offer, enabling students to better articulate their interests.

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Second-cycle degree course
Access by qualifications
course in italian
class LM-51

The degree course in Social and clinical applied psychology responds to the growing demand for the design, management and evaluation of psychological interventions. This demand comes from numerous contexts and institutions working in the field of education, responding to social needs or from the perspective of health psychology.

The training plan of the course will be oriented towards the consolidation and deepening of theoretical knowledge in the psychological disciplines, which will be supplemented with adequate training in the tools of research methodology and intervention, necessary for the effectiveness of professional action.

Social and clinical applied psychology
Second-cycle degree course in