Second-cycle degree courses

Second-cycle degree course
Open access with verification of requirements
course in italian
class LM-6

The master's degree program in Biomolecular, Genomic and Cellular Sciences completes the training in biological disciplines begun with the bachelor's degree in Biology and aims to train professionals with a solid cultural background in the most advanced areas of molecular and cellular biology, genetics and biochemistry. The course has a duration of two years and is open access.

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Second-cycle degree course
Open access with verification of requirements
course in italian
class LM-54

Double degree with University of Cape Town - South Africa; University of Twente - Netherlands

Chemistry is a central science on the path to sustainable development. The second-cycle degree course in Chemistry at the University of Parma offers a comprehensive and in-depth training in the most modern aspects of chemistry: synthesis, catalysis, environmental quality, theoretical understanding of chemical processes and their computational modelling, the study of biological processes at the molecular level, the development of advanced materials and nanoscience.

Immagine Plesso di chimica
Second-cycle degree course
Open access with verification of requirements
course in italian
class LM-6

The Second-cycle degree course in Ecology and Ethology for Nature Conservation is aimed at training professionals and researchers with a sound knowledge of the basic issues in Ecology and Ethology for Nature Management and Conservation in the current scenario of global climate and environmental changes.

Second-cycle graduates in Ecology and Ethology for Nature Conservation have employment prospects in the private and public sectors dealing with the management of natural resources, the conservation of biodiversity and issues relating to man's coexistence with wild and domestic animals.

The programme of study is consistent with the ministerial tables for Second-cycle degrees in the field of biology (LM6) and the field of natural sciences (LM60). It allows, after a state examination, registration in the Register of Biologists. For this reason, the course is an outlet for both students from first-cycle degrees in Biological Sciences and Natural and Environmental Sciences who are interested in acquiring knowledge and professionalism for the proper management of natural populations and communities in a context of global change.

The programme of study includes, in the first year, the teaching of basic subjects, common to both ecology and ethology, supplemented by practical exercises: statistical analysis, geobotany, geology, paleoclimatology and ecology and ethology. In the second year, the more characterising and specialised subjects of the addresses are explored in depth. The internship and the dissertation play a very important role in the teaching process as students are guided on a path leading to the realisation of a real individual research project. The thesis seminars represent an innovative aspect of the teaching characterising this degree course. They allow the progress of the research project to be monitored, from the state of the art, through to the practical implementation of experiments in nature or in the laboratory, to the collection and critical analysis of data and their interpretation. This can also be done in research institutions outside the university (parks, museums, companies) and abroad with international exchange programmes.

composizione di immagini
Second-cycle degree course
Open access with verification of requirements
course in english
class LM Sc. Mat

Functional and Sustainable Materials is an interdisciplinary M.Sc. program in Materials Science that aims at developing a broad training in the chemistry and physics of materials with a special emphasis on their application in the circular economy. 

This program was built on decades of successful collaboration between the physicists and chemists at the University of Parma in both research and education. The success of this collaboration is demonstrated by the prestigious recognition of the Department of Chemistry, Life Sciences and Environmental Sustainability with two back-to-back “Department of Excellence” awards which have support our research and education activities with state-of-the-art scientific infrastructure and scholarships to attract motivated students.

The goal of this program is to create professionals that understand the challenges of building a circular economy from its physical and chemical roots up to their application in the real world. To do so, our courses strive to constantly show in a laboratory setting the reality of the concepts shown in class. Laboratory courses will teach our students not just how to create materials but how to analyze data, design experiments, formulate hypotheses with the goal of both improve performances and create knowledge.

The program organizers are proud of the collaboration with our engineering, life sciences and earth sciences colleagues, with whom we have designed a portfolio of optional courses that will suit any students’ personal interests.

We are looking forward to have you join us!

Fluorescent nanomaterials for advanced photonic applications
Second-cycle degree course
Open access with verification of requirements
course in italian
class LM-8

The Second-Cycle Degree Course in Genomic, Molecular and Industrial Biotechnologies aims to train highly qualified professionals with:

- specific multidisciplinary skills in the most advanced fields of biochemistry/molecular biology, genetics/genomics, microbiology and in particular application areas of industrial chemistry and pharmaceutical chemistry;

- in-depth theoretical-practical knowledge of the most current and relevant application aspects of the national and international bio-industry.

The second-cycle degree course lasts two years and is open access, but before enrolling, students must submit an evaluation application as indicated on the Course website (

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Second-cycle degree course
Open access with verification of requirements
course in italian
class LM-74

The course of study in Geological sciences applied to environmental sustainability will enable you to explore topical issues in depth by following one of the three available cultural curricula focusing on (i) mitigation and management of natural hazards, (ii) fluids, georesources and applications for the environment, (iii) geodynamics and palaeoenvironment for georesources. The degree course also has an interdisciplinary connotation that enables the student to integrate the knowledge of Earth Sciences with that of Geotechnical Engineering and Ecology, broadening cultural horizons and, therefore, the ability to analyse and solve complex problems. Professionalising skills will be enhanced through a substantial investment in field activities, educational excursions, laboratory activities and internships. In fact, many of the course units are designed with the aim of teaching the 'profession' of geologist, facilitating the rapid entry of graduates into the world of work.

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Second-cycle degree course
Open access with verification of requirements
course in italian
class LM-71

Industrial Chemistry uses basic chemical knowledge for the research and the development of processes aimed at obtaining products and materials of industrial interest.

The Second-cycle Degree Course in Industrial Chemistry offers training in the most topical aspects of the chemical industry, such as the study of energy-efficient and environmentally sustainable synthesis processes and the development of innovative materials for various application sectors.

The curriculum includes 14 course units (3 in English), 2 of which are free-choice, and concludes with a 6-month experimental thesis work.

Biodiesel production: industrial chemistry is green and funny!
Second-cycle degree course
Open access with verification of requirements
course in italian
class LM-75

The master's degree course in Sciences and technologies for environment and resources provides comprehensive and specialised training in the fields of environmental protection and remediation, sustainable spatial development and resource use, and management and evaluation aspects of environmental systems.

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Second-cycle degree course
Open access with verification of requirements
course in italian
class LM-6

The degree course in Translational Biomedical Sciences (TBS) belongs to the the Chemistry, Life Sciences and Environmental Sustainability Department, selected by the MUR as a 'Department of Excellence' and supported with an outstanding five-year grant. Also for this reason, TBS is able to offer you solid and up-to-date theoretical and methodological tools to competently perform as a professional biologist.

Studying and graduating in TBS means acquiring the cultural and methodological foundations necessary to deal, with an integrated approach, with the vital processes that characterise a complex organism like humans being under normal and pathological conditions. Using an integrated approach means studying a vital function through progressively greater levels of complexity, starting with the molecular/cellular mechanisms that are the essential 'building blocks' of a function, and moving on to the organs, the systems and up to the whole organism. An organism lives, behaves, adapts to its environment, falls ill, heals and ages.

Especially from the perspective of safeguarding human health, dealing with biomedicine is a fascinating task, but also a rather complex one. Therefore, those involved in applied biology in medicine must not only draw deeply and constantly on the most modern and multidisciplinary scientific knowledge, but also develop the ability to use it critically and with a sense of responsibility.

The TBS degree course has therefore the ambitious goal of providing articulated knowledge and skills. This is a goal we try to achieve by providing students with a solid and integrated cultural background in basic biology and the various fields of applied biology, and also by trying to transfer methodological and instrumental skills to collect, analyse and interpret experimental data. Morover, we aim to help our students build the capacity to work independently, moving from initial imitator-executors to professionals, who are capable of taking responsibility and leadership and valuing teamwork.

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