Admission test

The course of study does not have a local limit of places, so there is no maximum number of students who can be enrolled. However, there is an admission test that is designed to check the level of preparation of students for admission to the Second-cycle degree and has no connection with the number of students admitted to the course.

Admission test

The test consists of a test with 30 closed-ended questions, 10 of which are in English, and is deemed passed if the candidate obtains a pass mark of 30 out of 90.
The questions will focus exclusively on two topics: Marketing and Food Science.
To prepare for the test, please refer to the texts listed in the box below.
Registration to take part in the test on 20 July 2022, will be possible ⇒⇒ from 15 June to 15 July 2022 Registration to take part in the test on 23 November 2022, will be possible ⇒⇒ from 18 October to 18 November 2022 ♦ Registration procedures for the admission test will be published in the coming weeks

Recommended textbooks

In preparation for the admission test, reference should be made to the following texts:

  • P. Kotler; G. Armstrong; F. Ancarani; M. Costabile, Principli di Marketing. Pearson Education, Milan, 2019 (or latest updated version available)
  • G. D'Ancona - M. Viganego - A. Molo, Nuove Industrie Agroalimentari: Principi, Tecnologie, Trasformazioni, Prodotti; Vol. 1 and 2, Ed. Il Capitello