Career prospects

The professional profile designed for the Second-cycle Degree in Economics and Management of Sustainable Food Systems relates to the management, administration, planning and control of food companies, providing professional development that combines the economic profile with that of the science and culture of gastronomy. The cultural profile is aimed at the economic, commercial and technical management of supply chains with a view to food product and service quality. This professional figure will cover assistance roles within companies and organisations in the agri-food sector with diversified functions depending on the characteristics of the company and the type of product.

Career prospects

The course responds to the need to train a modern professional figure capable of satisfying the strong demands for interdisciplianry skills placed on those who work in the context of managing food companies, in particular SMEs and cooperatives, which play a central role in the agri-food sector Italian and in the sustainability of the territories.

Graduates will be able to work in companies included in supply chains (short and long) that aim to be competitive thanks to the quality of their products, the ability to manage the supply chains and the sustainability of the business model.