Obiettivi formativi
See the corresponding item of the architectural and urban design studio for the sustainable city.
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Contenuti dell'insegnamento
Design 4 - architecture and urban regeneration will address the issues of urban regeneration. In times of zero soil consumption, urban regeneration must be applied to the empty spaces of the city, the qualities of urban soils and unresolved extensions. The view must shift from full to empty. The areas of intervention, identified by the Project through a Masterplan, will correspond to the architectures that will create a system of urban relations along a route characterized by protected connections between parts of the city and by a series of new polarities that will guard the cycle and pedestrian paths, favoring the use of a new system of slow mobility.
Programma esteso
See the corresponding item of the architectural and urban design studio for the sustainable city
See the corresponding item of the architectural and urban design studio for the sustainable city
Metodi didattici
See the corresponding item of the architectural and urban design studio for the sustainable city
Modalità verifica apprendimento
See the corresponding item of the architectural and urban design studio for the sustainable city
Altre informazioni
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