Course-specific learning objectives

The Second Cycle Degree Course in 'Engineering for The Food Industry' has as its specific objectives the creation of a figure with a solid background in the sectors that characterise the mechanics of the food industry and with a strong preparation for the design of complex systems (using advanced techniques and tools), industrial production and the management and processing of food products.
The Master's graduate will be able to understand and apply, assuming roles of responsibility, the techniques of advanced design of machines and plants in the food industry, with the use of advanced methods and tools and the use of new materials and packaging systems; he/she will be able to realise and manage food production and processing processes, operate in the control of automatic production systems, in the certification of food safety and quality and in the technical-commercial field for the promotion of products and services and in customer service.
The educational path of the Master's Degree consists of a first year covering subjects from the scientific disciplines of the food industry such as: Food Hygiene, Agricultural Microbiology, Food Science and Technology, Mechanical Industrial Plants and Energy Machines and Systems. This is in order to deepen the basic knowledge of the food industry that is not specific to an engineering graduate, in order to deal appropriately with the more specialised and applied disciplines of the following year.
The second year provides a single curriculum, with subjects related to the characterising and related fields, with courses aimed at design, automation and production management, with the aim of delving into specific topics and offering graduates an adequate preparation for their future work or to further their education in PhD and Master's courses.
The course is completed with Optional and Other activities with the possibility of working in laboratories for practical experience and an internship at local companies.
Ample space is left for the preparation of the master's 'thesis', where the student is required to make a considerable effort to prepare a paper with a high level of technical and scientific content.
The provision of teaching in English will increase the internationalisation of the course of study, with access also for students from abroad or through the use of the Erasmus+ SMS and SMT tool.