Learning objectives
The course introduces the basic concepts of an computational method of
analysis increasingly used in mechanical design. The aim is to have
the student apply the method to practical cases and appreciate its
potential and limitations
Scienza delle Costruzioni
Costruzione di Macchine
Course unit content
Matrix notation and matrix operations, review of continuum mechanics,
Principle of virtual work; plane structs: stiffness matrix of the rod
element and assembly of the stiffness matrix of the structure; beam
element: exact and approximate solutions, transformation matrix,
frames; plane stress, plane strain and axisymmetric 2D elements,
rectangular and triangular elements, isoparametric elements, numerical
integration; linear elasticity, meshing criteria, boundary conditions,
assembly and solution, analysis of results
Lecture notes.
Reference books
Provided during the course.
Assessment methods and criteria
The exam is based on the discussion of a technical report on a
practical application of the finite element method.
Other information
Lab activity
Lab activity guide the student in learning the use of professional
finite element code and its application to practical cases.