Admission procedures
1. Admission to the Second-Cycle Degree Course in Mechanical Engineering requires a university degree or a three-year university diploma or another qualification obtained abroad and recognised as suitable. Prior to enrolment, the fulfilment of curricular requirements must be ascertained and the adequacy of personal preparation verified, in accordance with the procedures specified below.
2. Admission to the second-cycle degree course in Mechanical Engineering is subject to the possession of curricular requirements and adequate personal preparation.
3. Admission requirements are automatically fulfilled in the following cases:
3.1 the student has acquired a first-level degree in Mechanical Engineering, class L-9 (Industrial Engineering), with a grade no lower than that indicated in Attachment 4, taking as reference the year of enrolment in the second-cycle degree;
3.2 the student has acquired a first-cycle degree pertaining to class L-9 (Industrial Engineering), with a grade no lower than that indicated in Attachment 4, and has acquired at least 5 ECTS credits in each of the following Academic Discipline : ING-IND/08, ING-IND/10, ING-IND/13, ING-IND/14, ING-IND/15, ING-IND/16, ING-IND/17.
3.3 In cases other than the above, the Course Council, at the request of the student concerned, expresses a prior opinion on his or her admissibility and decides on any curricular additions.
In any case, admission onto the Second-Cycle Degree Course in Mechanical Engineering shall not be granted if the admission qualification was obtained with a grade lower than that indicated in Appendix 4.
4. Any curricular additions, in terms of ECTS credits, decided by the Course Council, must be acquired prior to admission onto the degree course. For the acquisition of curricular additions, the University of Parma offers the possibility of enrolling on individual course units taught on its own degree courses up to a maximum number of ECTS credits set out in the University Regulations. The mark acquired for these curricular additional goes towards to the average grade.
5. The Course Council verifies the possible presence in the student's curriculum of course units included in the prospectus of the second-cycle degree course and, where appropriate, decides on replacement units.
6. For foreign graduates, the verification of the requirements may be carried out by considering appropriate equivalences between successfully completed course units and those in the Engineering academic discipline (SSD).