Learning objectives
The aim of this course is to present the fundamental tools for evaluating the response of a structure submitted to dynamic loads.
Course unit content
Single-degree-of-freedom systems. Free-vibration response (undamped and damped vibrations). Response to harmonic, periodic, impulsive and general dynamic loading. Elastic-plastic systems.
Multi-degree-of-freedom systems. Free vibrations (natural frequencies and modes), principal coordinates. Damping. Uncoupled equations of motion. Mode-superposition procedure. Methods for the step-by-step integration of the equations of motion. Non-linear systems.
Distrubuted-parameter systems. Free vibrations of beams under bending. Free vibrations of plates.
Discretization methods. Rayleigh-Ritz, finite elements.
Dynamics of frames.
A. CARPINTERI: “Dinamica delle strutture”, Ed. Pitagora, Bologna, 1998.
R.W. CLOUGH – J. PENZIEN: “Dynamics of structures”, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1993.
G. MUSCOLINO: “Dinamica delle strutture”, McGraw-Hill, Milano, 2002.
E. VIOLA: “Fondamenti di dinamica e vibrazione delle strutture”, Vol. 1, Ed. Pitagora, Bologna, 2001.
Teaching methods
Theory supported by exercises.
Assessment methods and criteria
Oral examination possibly complemented by a written examination