cod. 1006536

Academic year 2024/25
1° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Diritto dell'unione europea (IUS/14)
Type of training activity
84 hours
of face-to-face activities
12 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

Students will be able to:
- understand the general regulatory aspects of the food sector;
- understand how European institutions and agencies work in relation to the food sector
- use specific terminology
- understand the impact of economic activities as well as all the requirements businesses must meet in order to perform their activity


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Course unit content

PART I: Sources of agrarian law, land ownership and agricultural enterprise, agricultural entrepreneurs, the assets of the agrarian business organization, Ways of acquiring agrarian and agrarian business organization assets and other assets, farm circulation, environment and territory
PART II: The sources of food law, the European discipline of food law, food safety and hygiene, consumer information, blockchain in agribusiness, marketing of particular foods, the market for agricultural and food products.

Full programme

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1) L. Costato et. al., Compendio di diritto alimentare, CEDAM, ult. ed.
2) A. Germanò, Manuale di diritto agrario, ult. ed, Giuffré (capp. I-X)
3) Further MANDATORY materials, both for students attending the lessons and not, are published on the Elly page of the Course.

Teaching methods

traditional lessons, worskshop, excersises.

Assessment methods and criteria

A written midterm is scheduled, graded in thirtieths. Those who pass the midterm will take the second part orally. This test is also graded in thirtieths and averages, rounded up, with the midterm grade.
Those who do not take the midterm will take the oral test on the entire program, graded in thirtieths.

Other information

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