Corso di Economics and management of sustainable food chains - Università degli Studi di Parma

The Economics and Management of sustainable food chians - CLEMFAS degree course represents an innovative initiative in the Italian university landscape, in which managerial culture is integrated with technological and scientific contributions with the aim of producing qualified managerial figures, able to interpret and manage the problems of the agri-food systems with skill and competence.

The course originates in the heart of the Food Valley and brings together the tradition of scientific research and accreditation of the three Departments involved - Economics and Business Sciences, Chemical, Life and Sustainability Sciences, and Food and Drug Sciences - in the extraordinary context of agricultural enterprises, production, distribution, quality certification bodies, and catering that characterise Italy's agri-food system.

The student will thus be able to rely on an interdisciplinary pathway centred on methodological aspects and basic knowledge that is not subject to rapid obsolescence, on the constant exchange between the context of companies of excellence and that of research and advanced training, as well as on the transversal nature of the skills required for the management of complex and highly-structured processes.

It is divided into two highly specialised curricula. All teaching in the third year is differentiated according to the chosen curriculum.

- The Food Management Curriculum delves into the main topics related to the management of agri-food systems and supply chains, from a value creation perspective for products, with particular reference to cultural and sustainability aspects.

- The Food Science Curriculum develops the knowledge and tools to understand the agri-food product in its organoleptic components and to provide guarantees of health, safety and quality, while respecting environmental, economic and social sustainability.

Degree course
Free access
course in Italian
class L-18
180 credits


course code
Immagine generica
no notices at the moment
No notices at the moment
There are currently no active notices for this course.


Toll-free number

800 904 084

Quality assurance office

Education manager:
Mrs Barbara Violi
E. Office
E. Manager

President of the degree course

prof. Marco Ferretti

Faculty advisor

prof. Donata Tania Vergura

Career guidance delegate

prof. Chiara Panari

Tutor professors

prof. Silvia Bellini

Erasmus delegates

prof. Maria Cecilia Mancini
prof. Donata Tania Vergura

Quality assurance manager

prof. Giulio Tagliavini

