cod. 1009409

Academic year 2024/25
1° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Sociologia dei processi culturali e comunicativi (SPS/08)
"discipline tecniche dell'informazione e della comunicazione"
Type of training activity
30 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Integrated course unit module: THEORIES AND PRACTICES OF JOURNALISM

Learning objectives

In order to realize teamworks / group inquiries, we will start from the discovery-processing of a single piece of news, starting with the provincial dimension of local news and then comparing it with the coverage of news of global relevance. This will allow to choose topics, style and ways to realize the group inquiries more consciously, with the twofold goal of the exam, but also of producing material that will be suitable for publishing.


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Course unit content

The course aims to reproduce dynamics closest to those of an editorial staff, even though in the context of university education. Thus, in each lesson, theoretical definitions of journalism will be compared with practical examples. Coverage of latest news will be examinated and discussed in each lecture (news hierarchy, titling, photo choice ...). The concept of "news" is going to be deepened: what is actually news?, what are consequences of pursuing a huge amount of audience with respect to quality ?, how to deal with competitors and try to make the difference? This will be verified with practical experiments, by creating a blog / website, accessible to the public, and thus with the ability to measure real-time responses to proposed contents, even before writing papers that will be part of the exam. This way, it will be possible to experience the importance of using social media for spreading a single story and increasing popularity and credibility of news media, especially if they are start-up and without a strong brand supporting them.

Full programme

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- Gabriele Balestrazzi, Appunti per un Manuale di giornalismo. Con un saggio di Sofia D'Arrigo sulla cultura giornalistica in Italia, Athenaeum editore, Parma, 2023.

Your knowledge can be expanded on these two manuals, but reading them will only be optional:

Teaching methods

The course will be based on lectures and practical exercises.

Assessment methods and criteria

The final exam will be oral, but the final grade will also take into account the written production (at least 3 articles) made during the course and delivered to the teacher at least 15 days before the exam.

Other information

We are talking about Journalism: so, classroom work and your articles will follow an evolution linked to current events (think about pandemic and war) and to your proposals (a student without ideas and proposals will hardly be a good journalist ...).