cod. PR1010812

Academic year 2024/25
1° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Statistica medica (MED/01)
Scienze propedeutiche
Type of training activity
10 hours
of face-to-face activities
1 credits
hub: Parma Azienda USL
course unit

Integrated course unit module: GENERAL NURSING II

Learning objectives

At the end of the course, the student should be able to:
- define characteristics of main type of clinical studies, systematic review, meta-analisis and guide lines;
- remember different phases and know tools and strategies to correctly plan a bibliographic search;
- plan and run bibliographic searches on Pubmed and CINAHL;
- choose the best scientific evidence to answer and solve a clinical question, among results of a bibliographic search.



Course unit content

Basics of Evidence Based Nursing (EBN) and Evidence Based Practice (EBP).
From clinical question to bibliographic search: the PICOM methodology.

Anatomy of scientific literature. Primary documents: the original article and types of clinical trials. Secondary documents: systematic reviews, meta-analysis and guide lines.
Main bibliographic databases in medicine.
PUBMED structure. How to perform a bibliographic search: phases of bibliographic research. Query syntax, Boolean operators and other tools. The query language: free research and fields research on Pubmed with MeSH (Medical Subject Headings). Methodological filters. Examples of bibliographic searches with Pubmed.
Bibliographic search with CINAHL database.

Full programme

To see Contents.


The slides, that will be uploaded on Elly for the students during the course, together with class' attendance, will be sufficient to study for the exam.
The student can refer to the following reference books:
1. "Fondamenti di Ricerca infermieristica", Denise F. Polit, Cheryl Tatano Beck, 2/ed: McGraw-Hill Education, 2018.
2. "Evidence-Based Clinical Practice - La pratica clinico-assistenziale basata su prove di efficacia", Paolo Chiari, Daniela Mosci, Enrico Naldi, Centro Studi EBN, 2/ed. Milano: McGraw Hill, 2011.

Teaching methods

During the classroom lectures, the topics of the module program will be illustrated and commented. Examples and simulations that will illustrate its practical use on Web will accompany theory. Several technical terms will be used both in Italian and in English, the student can use on his own the catalogues and databases shown during the lessons. The last class will be a practical exercise (by using personal laptop or tablet), students will work in group to apply concepts shown during the frontal lessons.
Lectures will be held on-site according to safety standards. Attendance is mandatory and it will be measured during each lecture. Supporting material will be available on the specific student-reserved platform (Elly) and will include slide presentations, audio-video aids and links useful to study for the exam.

Assessment methods and criteria

The evaluation of the achievement of the module objectives is a written test, as a part of the exam of the entire integrated course. The learning assessment of the present teaching will include n. 8 multiple-choice questions about topics faced during classes.

The grade of the entire integrated course will will be in 30/30.

Other information
