Learning objectives
At the end of the course students are expected to:
a) know and understand the International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS) and the regulation for the preparation of consolidated financial statement.
b) develop skills to use the competencies related to IFRS and to consolidated financial statement.
c) develop autonomy of evaluation about the best choices related to the use of IFRS and the preparation of consolidated financial statements.
d) develop communications skills for the publication of fair and transparent information coming from the use of IFRS and the preparation of consolidated financial statements.
e) develop further skills about IFRS and consolidated financial statements useful for profession.
Knowledge of rules of recognition with double enter bookiping and knowledge of national accounting standards (OIC)
Course unit content
Contents are related to Consolidated Financial Statement and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). Contents about the consolidated financial statement include the regulation provided by the standards in the definition of consolidation area, techniques for the homogeneization of accounting system, methods of consolidadion, intercompany operations, consolidated balance sheet and income statement. About IFRS, contents are related to theards (IAS), International FInancial Reporting Standards (IFRS), Standing Interpretation Committee (SIC) e International Financial Reporting Interpretation Committee (IFRIC) adopted in countries of European Union.
Full programme
Extended contents is organized on two topics: consolidated financial statement and IFRS.
Extended contents about the consolidated financial statement include:
- regulation
- consolidation area
- omogeneity of accounting system
- method of consolidation
- elimination of investment and minority interests
- elimination of values related to intra-groups transactions
- consolidated accounting schemes
- investment evaluated at equity method
Contents on IS/IFRS include the purpose, basic assumptions and accounting schemes and measurement criteria related to assets, liabilities, revenue and expenses.
Azzali S. Saracino P (a cura di), Il bilancio dei gruppi aziendali, Giappichelli, Torino, 2022.
Quagli Alberto, Gli standard dello IASB nel sistema contabile italiano, Giappichelli, Torino, 2023, parte Prima, Seconda, Terza, Quarta, Sesta.
Teaching methods
Acquisition of knowledge: mixed method, with streaming lessons, video-recorded lessons and face-to-face lessons
Acquisition of capability in applying knowledge: exercitations
Acquisition of autonomy in judgment: exercitations
Acquisition of learning skills: lectures developed in mixed method and seminars will present problematic situations and stimulate the focus on critical issues and propose appropriate solutions.
Acquisition of technical language: during the course will be illustrated the main accounting words
The slides used to support of the lessons are loaded weekly on Elly; the same for integrative documents, in particular related to the exercises. To unload the slides the registration is necessary to the course on line. For a good preparation of the examination it is fundamental the use and the study of the text of reference; the slides are used only as a support for the lessons and they don't replace the text.
Assessment methods and criteria
The written exam includes:
1) exercise on the consolidated financial statement (15 points);
2) 3 open questions (5 points each question) on IAS/IFRS and consolidated financial statement (total 15 points).
Questions verify the knowledge of the consolidated financial statement and IAS/IFRS. Exsercises verify the capacity to use the knowledge on the consolidated financial statement and IAS/IFRS. Two hours are the time for the written exam. Evaluation in based on staircase 0 -30. The praise is is assigned in
the case of systematic knowledge of the topics, and great ability to use the contents of the exam.
In 30/30 overcoming case from the sum of the score of the project work and the written
exam, the praise is assigned only in the cases in which the written test has
achieved a vote of 30/30.
The final results of the examination are published on Esse3. Attending students could divide the written exam in two
- written exam at the end of march, 2025, with 2 open questions and 1 exercise on IAS/IFRS.
- written exam within the summer session with 1 exercise on consolidated financial statement. The two written exam have equal weight and the final score is the avarage between the partial exams.
Other information
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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development
4 Quality education
9 Industries, innovation and infrastructure
12 Responsible consumption and production